1. 牧师:万圣节起源于爱尔兰的塞尔特人,这天他们要在牧师(clergyman)的主持下祭拜太阳神和死神. 他们虔诚地相信,这天先人的魂灵将重返人间,便成群结队到郊外点燃柴堆,求助火光驱散鬼魂,门前挂南瓜灯也用以驱鬼,让孩子们装扮成鬼相,是希望鬼魂能把他们当成自己人而不再作祟于他们.
2. 教士:骑士(Knight),记者(Reporter),教士(Clergyman)和公主(Princess). 除了公主必须由女性扮演外,其余职业不限性别. 特别注意的是:噗哟(Puyo)本人是皇帝,独立于本规则外. 阵营由两套体系搭配而成,第一套是表现人物的爱情观,
3. 教士,牧师:教区居民 parishioner | 教士,牧师 clergyman | [集合词](与教士、僧侣等相对的)俗人 laity
4. 教士、牧师:阿訇 ahung, imam | 教士、牧师 clergyman | 红衣主教 cardinal
1. 牧师;教士
A clergyman is a male member of the clergy.
1. Recently, a Protestant clergyman in Maryland asked friends if they believe Jesus was married.
2. During the trip, the pope prayed alongside a Muslim clergyman while visiting a mosque.
3. clergyman的近义词
3. A clergyman grabbed one armed man and prevented him from shooting at a departing Associated Press Television News car as it sped from the city.
1. clergyman的意思
1. a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church
Synonym: reverend man of the cloth