
cleft [kleft]  [klɛft] 


cleft 基本解释


名词裂缝; 裂口; cleave的过去式和过去分词; 进退维谷

动词劈开,剁开,割开( cleave的过去式和过去分词 )

cleft 相关例句



1. I hid the message in a cleft in the rock.

cleft 网络解释

1. 裂口:内切酶的活性位点位于一个开放的裂口(cleft)中,它可结合在纤维素链的任何部位并切断纤维素链. 外切酶的活性位点位于一个长环状通道中,它只能从纤维素链的非还原性末端切下纤维二糖. (2)纤维素结合结构域:CBD在纤维素酶中位于肽链的氨基端或羧基端,

cleft 词典解释

1. (石头或地面的)罅隙,裂隙,裂口
    A cleft in a rock or in the ground is a narrow opening in it.

    e.g. ...a narrow cleft in the rocks too small for humans to enter.

2. (下巴上的)凹口
    A cleft in someone's chin is a line down the middle of it.

3. (下巴)有凹口的
    If someone has a cleft chin, they have a cleft in their chin.

4. 左右为难的;进退维谷的
    If you say that a person or organization is in a cleft stick, you mean that they are in a difficult situation which will bring them problems and harm whatever they decide to do.


cleft 单语例句

1. Medical experts check a child with a cleft lip in Zunyi No 1 People's Hospital.

2. The baby is recovering after receiving surgery at the Orange County Children's Hospital in California, a top hospital for infant cleft lip cases in the United States.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Li Yan subsequently underwent corrective surgery in the United States for a cleft lip.


4. Operation Smile provides free surgery for about a hundred children inflicted with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities over a period of five days in Makati.

5. The rumour that the baby was born with a cleft palate circulated through the media before it was later confirmed by Li on his blog.

6. The marriage has been in the spotlight from the start and interest intensified when their daughter was born with a cleft lip.

7. Cleft lips and palates refer to abnormal facial development characterized by a " split lip " or a hole in the roof of the mouth.

8. The ministry said it has added funds to prevent illness and defects such as hemophilia and cleft palates.

9. Some 150 children who suffered from cleft lips and palates were given free plastic surgery at Qianxi county's Central Hospital in Guizhou province.

10. It is the first time a genetic variant has been associated with cleft lip alone, rather than both cleft lip and palate.

cleft 英英释义


1. a long narrow opening

    Synonym: crack crevice fissure scissure

2. cleft的反义词

2. a split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin)



1. having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib

    Synonym: dissected
