cleft lip

cleft lip [kleft lip]  [klɛft lɪp] 

cleft lip 基本解释

cleft lip

名词裂唇; 唇裂,兔唇

cleft lip 网络解释

1. 唇裂:1.唇裂 唇裂(cleft lip)是最常 一种颜面畸形,多因上颌隆起与同侧的内侧鼻隆起末愈合所致,故裂沟位于人中外侧. 唇裂多为单侧,也可见双侧者. 如左、右内侧鼻隆起未愈合或两侧下颌隆起未愈合,可分别导致上唇或下唇的正中唇裂,但均少见.

2. 兔唇:Incubator 保温箱 | Cleft lip 兔唇 | Chicken pox 水痘

3. 唇裂,兔唇:circulatory system 循环系统 | cleft lip 唇裂,兔唇 | cleft palate 颚裂

4. 骨移植:脑干:subtentorial cerebellar cleft | 骨移植:cleft lip | 腭裂:cleft of palate

cleft lip 单语例句

1. Medical experts check a child with a cleft lip in Zunyi No 1 People's Hospital.

2. The baby is recovering after receiving surgery at the Orange County Children's Hospital in California, a top hospital for infant cleft lip cases in the United States.

3. Li Yan subsequently underwent corrective surgery in the United States for a cleft lip.

4. cleft lip什么意思

4. The marriage has been in the spotlight from the start and interest intensified when their daughter was born with a cleft lip.

5. Cleft lips and palates refer to abnormal facial development characterized by a " split lip " or a hole in the roof of the mouth.

6. It is the first time a genetic variant has been associated with cleft lip alone, rather than both cleft lip and palate.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. He said congenital heart disease, cleft lip and physical and intellectual disabilities are among the most common birth defects.

8. The Smile Angel Foundation mainly supports cleft lip children, so Angel Mom needs to raise money elsewhere for the other five children.

9. The cleft lip operation is relatively simple and the stitches are removed in about seven days.

10. cleft lip的反义词

10. Through the program, cleft lip patients from poor families will receive free medical checkups and surgery.

cleft lip 英英释义


1. a congenital cleft in the middle of the upper lip

    Synonym: harelip cheiloschisis
