名词竖笛; 黑管; [乐]单簧管
1. 单簧管:有两个簧片和圆锥 型的管柱,但管长是双簧管的四倍,为了 演奏方便,折成两截...达卜(手鼓) 西洋乐器 木管乐器: 长笛 (Flute) 短笛 (Piccolo) 大管 (Bassoon) 双簧管 (Oboe) 小单簧管 (降E Clarinet) 单簧管 (Clarinet) 低音单簧管 (B
2. 豎笛:音乐界人士有时喜欢把各种音质等同于特定色彩、竖笛(clarinet)能发出一种类似柔和色调(也许是蓝色色调)的声音,而小号发出的声音则象火红的色调. 从这里再进一步,就可以联想到和那些色彩相似的不同情感. 例如,
3. 黑管:四年级的学生可以选择学小提琴(violin)、中提琴(viola)或者是大提琴(cello),而五年级的学生就有更多的选择,还可以选学长笛(flute)、黑管(clarinet)、萨克斯管(saxophone)、喇叭(trumpet)、伸缩喇叭(trombone)、打鼓(drums)和摇铃(bells)等.
4. 竖笛,单簧管(黑管):cello 大提琴 | clarinet 竖笛,单簧管(黑管) | crotchet 四分音符
1. 单簧管;黑管
A clarinet is a musical instrument in the shape of a pipe. You play the clarinet by blowing into it and covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers.
1. He bought a saxophone and a clarinet, then found a teacher in nearby Langfang city and bought a pile of music books.
2. More than half played the piano while approximately a quarter had studied woodwind instruments such as the flute or clarinet.
3. A five part sung score will be complimented by harpsichord, clarinet and percussion.
4. It won for its pioneering effort in incorporating a clarinet into Rustic's music.
5. This concert has been called a miracle of clarinet, and combines music with stories.
6. Dulwich College is proud to present Three Clarinets, a clarinet tour of Beijing and Seoul.
7. clarinet的近义词
7. And the " King of Swing " was a clarinet player named Benny Goodman.
1. a single-reed instrument with a straight tube