
civilized [ˈsɪvəlaɪzd]  [ˈsɪvəˌlaɪzd] 





civilized 基本解释


形容词文明的; 非野蛮的; 有礼貌的; 有教养的

动词教化; 使文明; 使开化( civilize的过去式和过去分词)

civilized 同义词



动词civilise civilize

civilized 反义词


形容词uncivilized wild barbarous

civilized 情景对话



B:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?

A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across.

civilized 网络解释


1. 文明的,有礼的:charitable仁慈的,为慈善事业的 | civilized文明的,有礼的 | commit suicide自杀

2. 文明的,开化的:cite 引用,举例 | civilized 文明的,开化的 | clash 冲突

3. 文明的,非野蛮的:bunch 束, 串, 捆 | civilized文明的,非野蛮的 | chap小伙子, 小家伙; 家伙

civilized 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 civilised

1. civilized

1. 文明的;开化的
    If you describe a society as civilized, you mean that it is advanced and has sensible laws and customs.

    e.g. I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago.

2. 有礼貌的;举止得体的;通情达理的
    If you describe a person or their behaviour as civilized, you mean that they are polite and reasonable.

    e.g. I wrote to my ex-wife. She was very civilised about it.

civilized 单语例句

1. When they use fake photographs and video footage to slander a real ancient civilization, one cannot but wonder if that is what they call civilized behavior.

2. civilized什么意思

2. Education is narrowly understood by many as merely being instruction in useful techniques and knowledge, rather than the cultivation of sound and civilized character.

3. It is for this reason that the Chinese must never be chauvinistic to claim everything they are is the best and civilized.

4. With the goal of developing China into a highly modernized and civilized nation, we need an education that will inculcate civic virtues along with knowledge.

5. He was amazed by its civility and praised it as " a place of natural splendor and civilized manners ".

6. civilized是什么意思

6. A society cannot be regarded as truly civilized unless everyone in it values civility.

7. Its economic reform will be " civilized " and " constructive " rather than " drastic ".

8. civilized的近义词

8. If all our countrymen tour the world in a more civilized and environmentally friendly way, the greater presence of Chinese tourists overseas will be a welcoming sight.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. One is to teach students to be civilized and courteous because saluting cars is deemed respectful to drivers and their passengers.

10. We need to resist and get rid of vulgar advertisements that are disrespectful to civilized sensibilities and the public's right to rest and health.

civilized 英英释义



1. having a high state of culture and development both social and technological

    e.g. terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world

    Synonym: civilised

2. marked by refinement in taste and manners

    e.g. cultivated speech
           cultured Bostonians
           cultured tastes
           a genteel old lady
           polite society

    Synonym: civilised cultivated cultured genteel polite
