civet cat

civet cat [ˈsivit kæt]  [ˈsɪvɪt kæt] 

civet cat 基本解释
civet cat 网络解释

1. 果子狸:(香港综合电)香港大学研究人员昨天说,追溯沙斯(SARS)病毒的研究取得重大突破,他们已经在野生动物果子狸(civet cat)身上找到了导致沙斯肺炎的冠状病毒.

2. 狸:果子狸(civet cat)外形似家猫,颜面狭长,鼻吻前突,颈短面粗,眼睛大而圆,两耳较小,上层背部两侧有20根黑白相间、富有弹性的胡须,头部被毛有7块大小不同黑、白相间的斑块,故称花面狸.

3. 麝猫,灵猫:Ciudad Trujillo || 特鲁希略城; 真理城(多米尼加首都, 现又恢复旧称Santo Domingo) | civet cat || 麝猫,灵猫 | civet extract || 灵猫香浸液

civet cat 单语例句

1. The civet cat and other rodents suspected of carrying the coronavirus that causes SARS were quickly taken off the menu.

2. Scientists at the University of Hong Kong said last week that the virus likely jumped to humans from the civet cat.

civet cat 英英释义


1. cat-like mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes

    Synonym: civet

2. raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings

    Synonym: bassarisk cacomistle cacomixle coon cat raccoon fox ringtail ring-tailed cat miner's cat Bassariscus astutus
