
citron [ˈsɪtrən]  ['sɪtrən] 



citron 基本解释


citron 网络解释

1. 雪铁龙:6福特(FORD)防盗/遥控系统设定方法111102001款福特稳达(windstar)遥控器编程1171极品(ACURA)、本田(HONDA)防盗遥控系统检测1543宝马(BMW)音响锁止的解码操作程序2631雪铁龙(citron)音响锁止后的解码操作程序280

2. 柠檬:尤其是胖子口中赞美到天际的橙树花(Fleur d'Oranger)当属甜腻第一号,买两个绝对是个错误;而其他几种口味中,薄荷(Mint)和咖啡(Cafe)的甜得还能让我接受;黄色的柠檬(Citron)与淡粉红色的玫瑰(Pétales de Rose),酸甜适度,风味独特;

3. 法国雪铁龙:法国雪铁龙(Citron)车厂已经落实发展经典DS车系的接班人,雪铁龙并已经决定在2012年正式投产这款全新的D5车型. D5将采用目前雪铁龙旗舰车型C6的平台,而DS最经典的气压悬挂部分,也将在D5身上以全新的高科技面貌出现.

4. 香圆:"周去非谓'麦粒长二寸',赵汝适谓'麦粒长三寸',又於产品名项之下,增加'榴重五斤,桃重二斤,香圆(Citron)重二十余斤,莴苣菜每茎可重十余斤,其叶长三四尺'等句.

citron 单语例句

1. Citron has got more than 20 Chinese companies into trouble in the past six years.

2. Glazed with olive oil and citron soy sauce, the salmon tastes rich and flavorful.

3. Citron Research's investigative report on Qihoo has created a storm among many Chinese who have hit back at Citron.

4. Why would the Chinese favor pomegranate, fingered citron and peach among so many fruits?

5. Since the arrest of the missionaries at the border on Jan 30, the parents in Citron have been worrying they may never see their children again.

citron 英英释义


1. large lemonlike fruit with thick aromatic rind
    usually preserved

2. thorny evergreen small tree or shrub of India widely cultivated for its large lemonlike fruits that have thick warty rind

    Synonym: citron tree Citrus medica
