circuit breaker

circuit breaker [ˈsə:kit ˈbreikə]  [ˈsɚkɪt ˈbrekɚ] 

circuit breaker在线翻译

第三人称复数:circuit breakers

circuit breaker 基本解释

circuit breaker的解释


circuit breaker 网络解释

circuit breaker

1. 自動暫緩交易機制:布兰迪委员会还实施了所谓的自动暂缓交易机制(circuit breaker),若波动过大,将停止某只股票或整个市场的交易,在理论上,这能使人们进行反向操作,使市场重新具有流动性.

2. 熔断丝:CAPVAR 可调电容 | CIRCUIT BREAKER 熔断丝 | COAX 同轴电缆

3. 断路开关:circuit 回路 | circuit breaker 断路开关 | circuit street 环行街道

circuit breaker 词典解释
circuit breaker什么意思

1. (电流)断路器
    A circuit breaker is a device which can stop the flow of electricity around a circuit by switching itself off if anything goes wrong.

    e.g. There is an internal circuit breaker to protect the instrument from overload.

circuit breaker 单语例句

1. A circuit breaker is a mechanism to suspend a stock from trading for five minutes when it declines more than 10 percent within five minutes.

2. The component experienced circuit breaker trips December 8, possibly after being hit by a piece of space junk or micrometeorite.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The circuit breaker is a mechanism that interrupts the negotiations if the prices surpass established up and down limits.

4. The Russian hatch is about 80 feet from the bad circuit breaker, located on the American side of the station.

circuit breaker 英英释义


1. a device that trips like a switch and opens the circuit when overloaded

    Synonym: breaker
