
churn [tʃɜ:n]  [tʃɜ:rn] 






churn 基本解释

及物动词搅拌; 制造(奶油等); 买卖

不及物动词制造(奶油等); 产生剧烈搅动


churn 相关例句



1. The tractor churn ed up the soil.

2. The ship's propeller churned the waves to foam.

3. This factory churns out lots and lots of cars a day.


1. The water of the lake churned in the storm.

churn 网络解释


1. 搅乳器:有一个关于佛蒙特州治安法官的故事,他受理了一个农民状告另一个农民损坏了他的搅乳器(churn)的案件. 法官考虑了很久,然后说他仔细查阅了法规,但没找到任何关于搅乳器的规定,于是判被告胜诉. 我们所有的普通案例汇编和教科书中也显示出同样的思想状态.

2. 搅动器:而尤于Norway成为主要的输出品..古代,这种乳制品与乾酪(cheese)之间甚难作明确之分别,仅在乳脂肪含量上有别,含量多者称为乳酪,而含量少者称为乾酪...继而,由于乳油分离机或搅动器(churn)等机械设备之发明,此项制造遂成工业化,

3. 搅拌:dung糞;糞肥 | churn攪拌 | aerate使通氣

churn 词典解释

1. (制作黄油的)搅乳器
    A churn is a container which is used for making butter.


2. 搅动,搅起,扰动(水、泥浆、灰尘)
    If something churns water, mud, or dust, it moves it about violently.

    e.g. Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay.
    e.g. ...unsurfaced roads now churned into mud by the annual rains.

3. churn

3. (使)反胃;恶心;(使)作呕
    If you say that your stomach is churning, you mean that you feel sick. You can also say that something churns your stomach.

    e.g. My stomach churned as I stood up...
    e.g. I don't enjoy having a churning stomach but if you are going to win tournaments, you must go through it.

相关词组:churn out churn up

churn 单语例句

1. Chinese shipyards have long been famous for their ability to quickly and cheaply churn out large numbers of simple vessels.

2. Authorities expect bigger enterprises to churn out products with higher added value and shoulder more responsibility in environmental protection.

3. The large design houses are expected to churn out more and more clothes.

4. churn的解释

4. Europe's largest dairy product maker aims to churn fat profits from China's growing taste for milk thanks to its joint venture with Mengniu Dairy.

5. Manufacturers should follow their customers'changing tastes closely, make quick changes and churn out great designs in pace with these elements.

6. churn

6. China's dance schools churn out hundreds of technical virtuosos every year and I myself was one of these dance machines.

7. Inventories ended the first quarter at a record low compared with sales, suggesting factories still need to churn out more products to satisfy demand.

8. churn什么意思

8. Education departments do not in fact have the power to force the market to accept any graduate the colleges churn out.

9. It is inappropriate for the Pearl River Delta to continue to churn out clothing, which would be like Singapore still making electronic products as it did decades ago.

10. The regulation says universities that churn out graduates having great difficulty in finding jobs have to restrict their admissions.

churn 英英释义



1. a vessel in which cream is agitated to separate butterfat from buttermilk

    Synonym: butter churn


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. stir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter

2. be agitated

    e.g. the sea was churning in the storm

    Synonym: boil moil roil
