chuck out

chuck out

chuck out 网络解释

chuck out

1. 丢掉;赶走;突然说出;毁坏某物:34. choke back抑制,忍住(怒气、眼泪等) | 35. chuck out丢掉;赶走;突然说出;毁坏某物 | 36. churn out通过机械力产生;大量地粗制滥造

chuck out 单语例句

1. chuck out的解释

1. Chuck Hayes is a phenomenal rebounder, but doesn't contribute much offensively unless he's out on the break with the guards.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Ron Artest of the Indiana Pacers is escorted out of the Palace by Chuck Person following a melee during their game against the Detroit Pistons.

chuck out 英英释义


1. put out or expel from a place

    e.g. The unruly student was excluded from the game

    Synonym: eject exclude turf out boot out turn out

2. throw or cast away

    e.g. Put away your worries

    Synonym: discard fling toss toss out toss away cast aside dispose throw out cast out throw away cast away put away
