1. 历代记:另一位选择自助出版的网络漫画家凯兹.奈特表示,自助出版环节成本低,销量虽然比与出版社合作少,但是作者得到的利润更多. 目前,奈特与Grand Central出版社合作出版了他的两部作品,最新作品<<历代记>>(Chronicles)则采用了自助出版的形式.
2. 编年史:'编年史'(Chronicles)仅包含125张牌,是为满足玩家对绝版牌之需求所发行的特殊系列. 此系列牌之牌框均为白色,并且其上之系列符号为该牌首度印行时的系列符号;此作法为本系列的特殊处理,并且往后不再采用.
3. <历代志>:*4.Kings <<列王记>> | *5.Chronicles <<历代志>> | *6.Psalm <<诗篇>>
4. 历代志下:Nehemiah 尼希米記 | 1 Chronicles 歷代志上 | 2 Chronicles 歷代志下
1. It chronicles the decisive junctures in the debate over socialist policies during those periods and his perspectives and ideological shifts toward reforms.
2. The project chronicles Einstein's work on the theory that he began while he was a clerk at the Swiss Patent Office.
3. It chronicles the lives of the feudal lords and their retainers who tried to either replace the empire or restore it.
4. How to Survive a Plague chronicles the early years of the AIDS epidemic and how a handful of activists stemmed its deadly tide.
5. Making the case for one or another historical moment as the starting point of modernity is a familiar hook for writers of grand chronicles.
6. First compiled in 1998, the annual list chronicles key cultural and political events that have shaped a generation.
7. The performance by Sweden's Waterloo group chronicles ABBA's legacy from its Eurovision beginnings to its rise as an international behemoth.
8. The film also chronicles China's oil industry spanning half a century.
9. The film also chronicles the development of China's oil industry over the last 50 years.
10. It vividly chronicles how Cai rose from a kid indulging in kungfu in Southern China's Fujian province to become an internationally renowned pyrotechnic artist.