chorus line

chorus line

chorus line 双语例句

1. Radio City Music Hall, with its famous shows and chorus line, is one of the city`s most popular attractions.


2. But in the middle and at the end of each line are inserted extra words, which were sung in chorus, while the main body of the song was sung solo.

3. I want to see Chorus Line and the Guggenheim and this Jack Nicholson character you always talk about.


4. As an excited member of the beginners'chorus line, I was aware of my lowly status.

5. I want them all lined up just like a pretty little chorus line.

chorus line的翻译

6. In what film does a chorus line dance like this..


7. He begins with a 14-line prologue in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet, spoken by a Chorus.

8. Addison: Having covered in tedious detail not only the history of the Sarah Saddens Society, but also the history of acting since Thespis first stepped out of the chorus line.

9. You hit the lights. I'll eat the chorus line.

10. I don't expect a stage musical about street gangs to have the grit or nuance of the better Hollywood films of the same era, like Blackboard Jungle or Rebel Without a Cause (though a cast of gang members who didn't look like they stepped out of a Chorus Line audition might help).

11. The chorus line is about as close to a yodel as you can get.

chorus line

12. This is before Hamlisch wrote the scores for movies of the ilk of'The Way We Were', 'The Sting'and'A Chorus Line'.
      这是在Hamlisch写了比分为'方式,'蜇'和'合唱线的'的ilk 的电影我们之前是'。

13. He produced'A Chorus Line', Broadway's longest running show.

14. First, I sprinted into a cast-iron lamppost while chasing a fly ball in a park in Washington; I actually saw a chorus line of stars dance before my eyes as I crumpled to the ground.

chorus line的近义词

15. In 2003 only the Great Hall of the People could fit the dancing Irish chorus line of the first Riverdance show.

16. I love a good chorus line.

17. Chorus to leave the thread of all time, and let it make a dark line in hopes that i can still find the way back to the moment.

chorus line 单语例句

1. chorus line是什么意思

1. It was a major hit, although it was immediately eclipsed by the nearly simultaneous appearance of A Chorus Line.
