
chives [tʃaɪvz]  [tʃaɪvz] 

chives 基本解释
chives 网络解释


1. 蝦夷蔥:onions)与虾夷葱(chives)混淆,不论是. 文献记载中,古代中国人早到公元前三千年就开始使用虾夷葱,而. 一些欧美人相信在家的周围悬挂一束干燥的虾夷葱可以避免疾病及邪灵,类似. 他们相信食用虾夷葱可以提高血压而作为.

2. 香葱: 香葱( 香葱(Chives) ) 香葱别名细香葱 为百合科葱属两年生 或多年生草水植物原产欧洲冷凉地区, 在北美,北欧等地均有野生种分布.一般 株高 30-40 厘米, 叶片圆形中空,青绿色, 有蜡粉,叶鞘白色,抱合成圆柱状的葱白,称为假茎.

3. 韭菜:百合科(liliaceae) 韭菜(Chives):驱除铜绿丽金龟、胡萝卜锈蝇. 很招蚜虫. 促进胡萝卜和西红柿的生长和风味. 防止苹果痂病. 防止玫瑰黑斑病. 给黄瓜、南瓜、西葫芦和猕猴桃喷洒韭菜茶可以预防白粉病和霜霉病.

4. 细香葱:增加了可能有人或动物存在的非住宅区的熏蒸缓冲区域,并鼓励设...依据欧盟委员会(EC)No 396/2005法规第6节,英国收到本国园艺发展委员会(HDC)关于修订农药碘苯腈(ioxynil)最高残留限量(MRL)的申请,拟将其在细香葱(chives)中的MRL值从0.

chives 单语例句

1. The cooked meats are then dipped in a spicy sesame sauce that will often contain lots of coriander and flowering chives.

2. Right at the end of cooking, huge handfuls of chives were cut up and tossed into the pot.


3. The dryness of the pancake made the insipid chives almost too much to bear.

4. Tofu and vegetables like Chinese cabbage, hothouse chives and mushrooms are cooked together with the fish.

5. Wrap marinated beef slices around each portion of mushrooms, add some chives and roll up tightly.

chives 英英释义


1. cylindrical leaves used fresh as a mild onion-flavored seasoning

2. perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning

    Synonym: chive cive schnittlaugh Allium schoenoprasum
