
chilled [tʃɪld]  [tʃɪld]






chilled 基本解释



动词(使)变冷( chill的过去式和过去分词 ); 使很冷; 使冰冷; 使恐惧

chilled 网络解释

1. 冷冻:农粮局发言人说,除了中国,新加坡也从印尼布兰岛(Pulau Bulan)进口生猪,从澳洲进口冷冻(chilled)猪肉,从巴西进口冰冻(frozen)猪肉.

2. 已冷的:chiliasm 一千年至福说 | chilled 已冷的 | chilled 冷冻了的

3. 冷冻过的:Bubbling 泡沫十足的 | Chilled 冷冻过的 | Coarse 呛口的

4. 冷藏的:chilled water 冷冻水 | chilled 冷藏的 | chilled 速冻的

chilled 单语例句

1. Cut the chilled butter into small cubes and rub them into the flour until the mixture resembles large breadcrumbs.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. When I looked down I saw that my glass of chilled carrot juice had been replaced by a piping cup of rich hot chocolate.

3. The eatery is also a promising place to find the best dim sum and such traditional beverages as chilled mango sago cream with pomelo.

4. chilled

4. It's like eating a solid version of that popular Hong Kong caf favorite - iced red beans with crushed ice in chilled coconut milk.

5. chilled的解释

5. The jobless claims numbers chilled expectations that the government's January jobs report would show that employers added workers in the first month of the year.

6. The FEHD spokesman said pork supply was sufficient as frozen and chilled meat was available, and the department would maintain close contact with mainland authorities.

7. The swap carries significant consequences for efforts between Washington and Moscow to repair ties chilled by a deepening atmosphere of suspicion.

8. Come to the Hutong's class and learn to make some fresh salads and chilled soups to keep you cool on a sizzling summer day.

9. The quality of it being good it had a slight sweetness to it and went down smoothly and chilled me out right away.

10. chilled的解释

10. Predominantly Muslim Malaysia temporarily banned Australian chilled beef imports while a debate raged over whether stunning violated Islam's rules on humane slaughter.
