chief editor

chief editor [tʃi:f ˈeditə]  [tʃif ˈɛdɪtɚ] 

chief editor 基本解释
chief editor 网络解释


1. 总编辑:在因电力中断而一片狼藉的报社会议室,总编辑(Chief Editor)派利亲自召开各版组策划会. 派利直接挥斥方遒,超人现场超人死对头的近况如何?除了布置重点记者采访重点对象之外,各版组都不闲着:财经版要采超人归来对华尔街的影响;

2. 主编:近日与友人论及台湾学术期刊出版经营之困境,每每感受到期刊主编(Chief Editor)角色仅把持学科领域之专业和权威性,却似乎过於忽略「期刊出版」之专业性. 这种情境虽然维持住期刊之学术核心价值,但是容易导致经营策略上的疏漏. 换言之,

3. 总编:17. free-lancer writer自由撰稿人 | 18. chief editor总编 | 19. editorial社论

4. 主笔:仲裁, arbitration | 主笔, chief editor | 主观, subject

chief editor 单语例句

1. The series'chief editor Sun Ping is also a Peking Opera actress and the executive head of Renmin University's Chinese Operas Studies Center.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Chutzpah magazine's chief editor Ou Ning will debate revolution with London University's Goldsmiths college professor Scott Lash at the launch of the publication's sixth issue.


3. In the years following he worked as the network's Paris bureau chief, chief foreign correspondent and senior editor in London.


4. The chief editor of Salah Ad Din was threatened twice and later moved his family to Baghdad for safety.

5. Forbes China Executive Chief Editor Raymond Liu said Guangzhou's top spot can largely be attributed to its dynamic economy and creativity.

6. London police chief Paul Stephenson resigns amid criticism over his alleged links to Neil Wallis, a former News of the World executive editor arrested in the scandal.

7. chief editor是什么意思

7. The new men's magazine was started by the publisher Pang Wei, who used to be chief editor of Esquire.

8. chief editor是什么意思

8. She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend.

9. It is translated and annotated by linguist Xiang Xi and designed by Liu Xiangxiang, the chief art editor of Higher Education Press.

10. chief editor

10. Fan Shougang, chief editor of the new textbook from the Shanghai Education Publishing House.
