
chicanery [ʃɪˈkeɪnəri]  [ʃɪˈkenəri, tʃɪ-] 


chicanery 基本解释


名词欺骗; 耍花招哄骗别人(尤指于法律事务中); 不诚实的行为

chicanery 网络解释

1. 狡辩:chicane 诈骗 | chicanery 狡辩 | chiccory 菊苣

2. 诈骗:Undeclared Hypocrisy 伪善 | Chicanery 诈骗 | Impending 迫近的

3. 强辩:bowdlerize 修订; 删改 | chicanery 强辩 | chromosome 染色体

4. 哄骗 欺骗:endemic 地方性的 某地特有的 地方病' | chicanery 哄骗 欺骗 | political and judical system 政治和司法系统

chicanery 词典解释

1. 欺骗;诈骗
    Chicanery is using cleverness to cheat people.

chicanery 单语例句

1. chicanery的翻译

1. " There is no place for chicanery at a time of war, " said Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

2. chicanery的反义词

2. In the present circumstances to keep pushing measures already proven ineffective is not only silly but indeed borders on deliberate chicanery.

3. And a jaded public that seems to accept chicanery as the cost of doing business.

4. But those are just bells and whistles for Stone and writers Allan Loeb and Stephen Schiff to sound off on Wall Street chicanery.

chicanery 英英释义


1. the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)

    Synonym: trickery chicane guile wile shenanigan
