
chessboard [ˈtʃesbɔ:d]  [ˈtʃesbɔ:rd] 


chessboard 基本解释



chessboard 网络解释

1. 棋盘:无论是表面爬满的细格纹路,或是上面摆设的数个棋子,均让人联想到某种对战棋盘(Chessboard)但尺寸截然不同,这张巨大平台足以容纳好几张床铺. 她的腰际挂着一把由徐缓曲线构成的异国风长刀所谓的太刀. 这种武器在达斯特宾大陆以东的地区很罕见,

2. 西洋象棋盘:chess /西洋象棋/一种植物/铺在浮桥上的木板/棋/西洋棋/ | chessboard /西洋象棋盘/ | chessel /制乳饼用的模型/

3. 角逐的场所:盛衰无常的历史 a chequered history | 角逐的场所 chessboard | 竞选基金 campaign chests

4. 國際象棋棋盤:grain穀粒 | chessboard國際象棋棋盤 | doubling加倍

chessboard 词典解释

1. 国际象棋棋盘
    A chessboard is a square board with 64 black and white squares that is used for playing chess.

chessboard 单语例句

1. Both China and the United States hold an important position on the other's diplomatic chessboard.

2. chessboard是什么意思

2. On its ceiling are 100 interweaving panels of sandalwood creating a pattern that resembles a giant chessboard.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Using the Tibetan issue as a pawn on the chessboard of international politics is unfair both to China and to the Tibetan people.

4. Short funky dresses in chessboard designs stood out for their simple cuts and feminine elegance.

5. This Cold War mentality has not changed despite the region's declining strategic importance on the US'diplomatic chessboard over the past two decades.

6. Still intact in Suzhou is the original chessboard layout of canals and streets in the form of a grid.

7. chessboard

7. Legend has it that long long ago, five immortals played chess on the Chessboard Top.

8. China and Russia enjoy an extremely important position on each other's diplomatic chessboard.

9. Unfortunately, the United States considers Syria a key piece in its strategic chessboard.

10. Gradually a piece of dark red silk symbolizing blood drops over and covers the chessboard.

chessboard 英英释义


1. a checkerboard used to play chess

    Synonym: chess board
