名词化学家; 药剂师; 药房; 药商
1. 化学师:现在到Rimmington的化学师(Chemist)那里. 与化学师对话然后将你的Coal Tar倒入外面的蒸馏器(Distiller).加入一些煤炭来增加热度. 当热度(Heat Level)变绿时,打开右边的阀门(Valve). 如果气压超过绿色范围(Pressure Level),
2. 化验师:到案发现场搜集证物. 证物放入法证科专用胶袋后,科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会将袋口密封及签名,确保证物原封不动. 科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会穿便装出勤,到达案发现场时,会带上手套搜集证物.
3. 师:证物放入法证科专用胶袋后,科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会将袋口密封及签名,确保证物原封不动. 科学鉴证主任(S.E.O)或化验师(Chemist)会穿便装出勤,到达案发现场时,会带上手套搜集证物.
1. (兼卖化妆品和某些日用品的)药店
A chemist or a chemist's is a shop where drugs and medicines are sold or given out, and where you can buy cosmetics and some household goods.
e.g. There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection...
e.g. She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin.
2. 药剂师
A chemist is someone who works in a chemist's shop and is qualified to prepare and sell medicines.
3. 化学家
A chemist is a person who does research connected with chemistry or who studies chemistry.
e.g. She worked as a research chemist.
1. However, becoming a chemist was not the scientist's childhood dream.
2. Two Nobel prizes awarded last month to Germans - a physicist and a chemist - has revived pride in the country's scientific heritage.
3. He worked with glass coatings as an environmental chemist at General Physics Corporation in Maryland, and wondered if he could find something similar that would protect consumers.
4. The local Customs & Excise Department officers took samples of toothpaste products from the local market and sent them to the Government Chemist for tests.
5. Leaving the farm produce fair, granny Zhao turned off to a nearby chemist's for some cough medicine for her grandson.
6. chemist
6. The chemist base and growing market in China are the two major factors for Novartis to invest in China.
7. chemist
7. Special fine combs can be bought at drugstores or in a chemist's shop.
8. A chemist who has researched belly button fluff for three years believes that it collects because of tiny hairs which have " barbed hooks ".
1. a scientist who specializes in chemistry
2. a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
Synonym: pharmacist druggist apothecary pill pusher pill roller