
cheapskate [ˈtʃi:pskeɪt]  [ˈtʃipˌsket] 


cheapskate 基本解释
cheapskate 相关例句


1. That cheapskate took his date to a cafeteria.

cheapskate 网络解释

1. 小气鬼:Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事. | Cheapskate! 小气鬼! | Go to hell! 去死吧!

2. 守财奴:Cheapside 齐普赛街 | cheapskate 守财奴 | cheat death 逃脱死亡

3. 吝啬鬼:pinch pennies:精打细算 | cheapskate:吝啬鬼 | flat broke:身无分文

4. 你这个孤寒鬼:Something you wouldn't know anything about, you cheapskate.|你根本不会明白 | - Cheapskate, beapskate. - Yeah, you, you big tightwad.|你这个孤寒鬼 | He still has his communion money.|他还在用童年储蓄

cheapskate 双语例句


1. Perhaps we should be pround of ancestors and genes inherited from them, but if we acted more like cheapskate (miser, pinchfist, screw, skinflint, tightwad) than a winning cavegirl, we would have been more happy.

2. I wound through the dark rows to the concession stand thinking, I`ll show her that I`m no cheapskate.

3. I'm not the only penny-wise, pound-foolish cheapskate out there.

4. I`m not the only penny-wise, pound-foolish cheapskate out there.

5. Welcome to my blog!I'm not the only penny-wise, pound-foolish cheapskate out there.

6. They were frequently infested with worms or weevils - usually if cheapskate outfitters hadn't left them to dry long enough.

7. If you are a moneygrubber or cheapskate, please keep away from me; don`t get close to me

8. Sorry, I don`t want to sound like a cheapskate, but who wouldn`t like it?

9. When Napster was starting up and piracy was still a marginal activity, it made sense for record labels to write off a few cheapskate customers as a marketing expense and raise average prices to everyone else – presumably the older, more prosperous customers who were willing to pay for legal music.


10. This week's column is a cheapskate's guide to grocery shopping. Consider it an early Christmas present.

11. Jack Benny was long associated with being a cheapskate, butchering his violin playing and lying about his age.

12. My dad's such a cheapskate that he's put a lock on the telephone.


13. So you say that I'm a cheapskate, do you?

14. None of my friends want to go out with him because he's such a cheapskate.

15. But none of my friends want to go out with him because he's such a cheapskate.

16. Are you saying he's a cheapskate?

17. I'm not surprised. He's known as a cheapskate.

18. B:I'm not surprised. He's known as a cheapskate.


19. Sorry, I don`t wantto sound like a cheapskate, but who wouldn`t like it?

20. I'm not surprised. he's known as a cheapskate.

cheapskate 单语例句

1. Will he look like a cheapskate if he starts to divvy up the check?

2. However, know that anyway you put it you're going to look like a cheapskate.

cheapskate 英英释义



1. a miserly person

    Synonym: tightwad
