chaw up

chaw up [tʃɔ: ʌp]  [tʃɔ ʌp] 

chaw up 基本解释

chaw up


chaw up 网络解释

chaw up的反义词

1. 彻底打败:chauvinistic 沙文主义的 | chaw up 彻底打败 | chaw

2. 把...彻底打败:chaw /嚼/咀嚼/一满口/一口/咀嚼物/ | chaw up /把...彻底打败/ | chche /书签/

chaw up 双语例句

1. If he'd a-chawed up all the men he's ben a-gwyne to chaw up in the last twenty year he'd have considerable ruputation now.

2. Well, which one is the best shredder to chaw up the foods into pieces? "


3. We watch the three cycle through their emotions, with even Gary Chaw tearing up a few times.

chaw up

4. Did he chaw up others?

chaw up是什么意思

5. One of them says: Wonder who he's a-gwyne to chaw up this time.
