名词追赶者; 追猎者,猎人; [航]追击舰; 饮烈酒后喝的饮料
1. 追球手:追球手(chaser)把它投过圈即得10分;守门员(keeper)负责挡对方射来的球;击球手(beater)会打击游走球,攻击对方球员,保护己方球员;金色飞贼(Golden Snitch):金色小球,找球手(seeker)拿到此球,比赛结束,拿到球的找球
2. 猎人:<<猎人>>(Chaser)可以说是Cauldron倾尽全力开发的一款第一人称射击游戏,也是2003年度E3大展Encore Software展示的游戏之一. 两年多的开发让这款游戏具备了什么样的品质呢?看看先.
3. 追击者:超暴力,劲血腥,用来形容<<追击者>>(Chaser) 最贴切不过,它是少数看后令我犹有余悸的电影.
4. 追击者 日本丰田:Charmant 魅力 日本大发 | Chaser 追击者 日本丰田 | Checker Marathon 切克.马拉松
1. 饮烈性酒后喝的淡酒;饮淡酒后喝的烈性酒
A chaser is an alcoholic drink that you have after you have drunk a stronger or weaker alcoholic drink.
e.g. ...whiskey with beer chasers.
1. chaser的意思
1. The diminutive Japanese chaser is a master at turning her opponent's pace on her.
2. He resigned from the newspaper to enlist in the Navy, where he commanded a sub chaser in the Pacific during World War II.
3. It has switched from an eager chaser of economic development to a hearty supplier of public service.
1. a drink to follow immediately after another drink
2. a person who is pursuing and trying to overtake or capture
e.g. always before he had been able to outwit his pursuers
Synonym: pursuer