
chartreuse [ʃɑ:ˈtrɜ:z]  [ʃɑ:rˈtru:z] 

chartreuse 基本解释


名词<法>查特酒(法国查特修道院僧侣酿制的黄绿色甜酒巴),黄绿色; 教酒

chartreuse 网络解释

1. 黄绿色:淡黄绿色(chartreuse)就是一个很好的例子,色彩醒目,适用于青春有活力且不寻常的事物上. 从棒球运动鞋到毛衣,这种鲜明的色彩在流行服饰里创造出无数成功的色彩组合. 黄绿或淡黄绿色和它完美的补色--苯北影女生张雅茹胺红(magenta)搭配起来,

2. 查特酒:查特酒(Chartreuse)的名气更大,来自法国同名寺院的长寿秘方,由130种草药在葡萄白兰地中泡制而成,包括龙胆草,虎耳草等,勾兑以蜂蜜. 配方是1605年由法国国王亨利四世通过炮兵元帅赠给寺院的,它如此复杂,僧侣们长时间莫解其妙. 直到1737年,

3. 绿色:­淡黄绿色(chartreuse)就是一个很好的例 子,色彩醒目,适用于青春有活力且不寻常的事 物上. ­从棒球运动鞋到毛衣,这种鲜明的色彩在流 行服饰里创造出无数成功的色彩组合. 黄绿或淡 黄绿色和它完美的补色--苯胺红(magenta) 搭配起来,

4. 修道院酒:药草利口酒和种子利口酒 3 种.酒度在 30 度~40 度之间.著名的酒品产于法国和意大利.较著名的品种有: 意大利杏红利口酒(Amaretto),法国茴香利口酒(Anisette),法国修道院酒 (Chartreuse),法国本尼狄克丁酒(Benedictine),

chartreuse 双语例句

1. Mostly framed in black and white, with tints of gray, caramel, Parma violet, mint, and chartreuse to follow, the shapes traced familiar silhouettes—albeit a familiarity shot through with Galliano's irrepressible touches of perversity.

2. The meal over, we went to a café. I ordered Chartreuse with the Coffee.

3. Here's a bottle of chartreuse; that'll pick him up! And now, my young friends, let's hook it.

4. Persimmon and chartreuse have replaced the seriously gray phase that I went through last year.


5. We found that Chartreuse is more effective on small lures such as grubs and small crankbaits.

6. Chartreuse is the perfect color for your skin complexion.

7. The chartreuse then, I think, Fulvio.

8. The most popular colors for Steelhead flies are as follows: black, orange, purple, red, and chartreuse.

9. Harkening back to another by-gone era, the colors in flowers are bold, bright jewel tones in deep purples, reds and blues, set off by strong contrasting shades of orange, hot pink and chartreuse.


10. Layer in order: Chartreuse on bottom then Kirsch and finally Absinth on top.

11. North American forest tree with light green leaves and edible nuts. Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz, making pale green auras in the sun.


12. Chartreuse green a pale orange yellow to grayish yellow or yellowish gray.

13. Did you see the chartreuse Mini roses?

14. A porcelain mosaic tiled wall and plastic stools in chartreuse give this kitchen a refreshing, modern look.

15. The chartreuse then, I think, fulvio.


16. They fly through the park shrieking and squawking, their chartreuse feathers flashing.


17. Emma Roberts visits The Tonight Show in a Dolce & Gabbana dress with contrasting chartreuse pumps, while Jessica Chastain stays cozy in N. Y. C. with a sweater and simple sling backs.

18. Other local specialities to look out for include Montelimar's nougat, Bourg en Bresse chicken, Voiron's Chartreuse liqueurs, the fondues and raclettes (melted cheese served with an assortment of cold meats and pickles) of the mountain villages, and the excellent cheese of Saint Marcellin.

19. On the other hand, La Sanseverina in Stendhal`s Chartreuse de Parme, believing that it is passion which endows man with his real value, would have declared that agrand passion justifies its sacrifices, and must be preferred to the banality of such conjugal love as would unite Stephen to the little goose he was engaged to marry.

20. On the other hand, La Sanseverina in Stendhal`s Chartreuse de Parme, believing that it is passion which endows man with his real value, would have declared that a grand passion justifies its sacrifices, and must be preferred to the banality平凡; 陈腐of such conjugal结婚的; 配偶的love as would unite Stephen to the little goose he was engaged to marry.

chartreuse 单语例句

1. They fly through the park shrieking and squawking, their chartreuse feathers flashing.

2. Seen from above at a proper angle, the chartreuse arch below was exactly in the shape of the waxing moon.

chartreuse 英英释义


1. chartreuse的意思

1. a shade of green tinged with yellow

    Synonym: yellow green yellowish green Paris green pea green


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. of something having the yellowish green color of Chartreuse liqueur
