1. 租船契约:无论是哪种租船形式,货主均须与船东缔结租船契约(Charter Party),或者是按航程计租的程租合约(Voyage C/P),或者是按时间计租费的期租合约(Time C/P),此时货主与承运人的权利义务应以租船合约为准.
2. 租船合同:在租船合同(Charter Party)下进行国际海上货物运输,一般也应由船长或实际承运人向托运人签发提单. 在租船合同下签发的提单,对不同的关系人有不同的作用,譬如,若托运人就是船舶租赁人,则提单对托运人而言仅仅是货物收据,
3. 租约:运费按既定的运费表(Tariff)结算,它主要适用于运载小宗货量的货物;不定期船的特点是船舶没有固定的班期,没有固定的航线,亦没有固定的挂港,所有这些包括租金或运费每航次多少及双方的责任与义务都以租约(Charter party)为依归.
4. 契约:无论是哪种租船形式,货主均须与船东缔结租船契约(Charter Party),或者是按航程计租的程租合约(Voyage C/P),或者是按时间计租费的期租合约(Time C/P),此时货主与承运人的权利义务应以租船合约为准.
1. The congress is scheduled to examine and approve an amendment to the party's charter and elect a new CDL Central Committee.
2. " The'Three Represents'theory has been entered into the state constitution and the party charter, " Cheng said.
3. charter party的解释
3. Each of the past few CPC national congresses has modified and enriched the Party charter.
4. In 2005 the ruling party released a draft charter that would formally recognise Japan's right to maintain armed forces.