charging basket

charging basket[ˈtʃɑ:dʒiŋ ˈbɑ:skit] 

charging basket 基本解释
charging basket 网络解释

1. 装料桶:charging apparatus 装料设备 | charging basket 装料桶 | charging bell 料钟

2. 料筐:charging ==> 充电,增压,充气 | charging basket ==> 料筐 | charging board ==> 充电盘

3. 料桶, 料筐, 加料桶:charging bar || (装料机)喂料杆, 装料杆, 顶杆 | charging basket || 料桶, 料筐, 加料桶 | charging bell gear || 加料钟装置

4. 料筐,料桶,加料桶:charging barrel ==> 料筒 | charging basket ==> 料筐,料桶,加料桶 | charging bay ==> 装料跨

charging basket 双语例句

charging basket的解释

1. The mixture is unloaded to charging basket after grinding for scheduled time, to deposit for 5 to 10 minutes.


2. In fact, the lasting image of the Lakers in the NBA Finals in June was of a team that seemed incapable of preventing the Boston Celtics from charging to the basket for layups and dunks.

3. With career averages of 21 points and 9 rebounds per game and a ferocity that can only terrify when a defender sees him charging full out towards the basket, he has endured many challenges and changes over the course of his career in the NBA (going from having Stephon Marbury as your point guard to Steve Nash must have been an interesting switch).
    小斯的职业生涯场均拿下21分和9个篮板,暴力的打法只会让人感到害怕和恐惧,而当一个防守球员看到他正在充满力量地向篮筐发起冲击的时候,他其实也忍受著很多各种各样的挑战同时也渐渐改变了小斯在 NBA 的职业生涯的道路(当你搭档的控球后卫由史蒂芬-马布里变成了现在的史蒂夫-纳什时,那肯定是个很有意思的转变)。

4. In pharmaceutical factory, if required, the charging basket can be sealed with seal cap and the material can be stored in sealing.

5. HSBC has become one of the biggest global banks to say that it will begin charging clients on deposits in a basket of European currencies.

6. In a lawsuit, New York Law School contends that it would never have invested $3m with Ascot Partners had it known that the fund was charging hefty fees merely to stick all its eggs in one basket.
    在一桩诉讼中,纽约法学院声称,如果知道Ascot Partners公司只是收取高额费用后就把顾客的钱全装在一个篮子里,他们怎么也不会把300万美元委托给它投资的。

7. In rock drift mechanization necessary production line, Introduced separately mechanization necessary production line of taking side pump shovel loader and the rake basket type charging as the focus; in coal road, mainly produced the mechanization necessary production line of by fully-mechanized machine primarily.
