
channels ['tʃænlz]  ['tʃænlz] 





channels 基本解释
渠道;通道;频道( channel的名词复数 );海峡;
channels 网络解释


1. 渠道:价格(price) 消费者(consumers) 地点(place) 渠道(channels) 促销(promotion) 竞争者(competitors) 我们自信我们的营销策划方案是最优秀的,我们可以通过我们的专业素养、丰富经验以及智慧的灵感,

2. 通路:内容(content)、通路(channels)、资料库行销(database marketing)和结果(results)等研究者归纳的整合行销传播重要面向. .... <<网路行销与会员价值之效益评估模式:以宽频影音网站为例>>. ... <奥运赛事搜寻网路业拚场>. <<经济日报>>.

channels 单语例句

1. It enables the banks to expand their business sphere and improvise a profit model, meanwhile offering the savings fund wider investment channels.

2. Beijing has already opened three digital cable television channels on a trial basis.

3. " You've come way too late, " one woman shouted at Ma in footage broadcast on cable news channels.

4. The massage started with gentle but firm kneading around the shoulders and along the affected channels in the arms to activate the qi and blood.

5. channels的解释

5. She began by studying the corpus callosum, the cable of nerves that channels all communication and cooperation between the brain's two hemispheres.

6. And venture capital should be bolstered to increase the financing channels of SMEs.

7. New policies should be formulated to support the development of the capital market and therefore broaden channels for direct financing for businesses.

8. The president then proposed to improve the structure of capital market and raise the proportion of direct financing through multiple channels.

9. The spokesperson said the government will promote a mutual listing of funds to expand capital flows channels between the two markets.

10. The authorities will also expand channels for outbound capital investment and gradually realize the full convertibility of the yuan under the capital account.

channels 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. official routes of communication

    e.g. you have to go through channels
