1. 室内音乐:这幢建筑物将包括一个较小的礼堂,适合表演室内音乐(chamber music)、世界音乐(world music)、爵士乐、舞蹈和朗诵歌词. 一个室外剧场适合大规模的音乐会和流行娱乐表演. 这幢建筑物还包括适用于教育活动、举行典礼和招待客人的空间,
2. 室内乐 室内乐:室内乐 室内乐(chamber music)通常指由少数演奏者演出的重奏曲. 17世纪初发轫于意大利. 原指在皇宫内室和贵族家庭演奏、演唱的世俗音乐,以别于教堂音乐及剧场音乐. 室内乐重奏不同于管弦乐合奏,前者每一声部由1人演奏,后者每一声部则由多人演奏.
3. 室乐:Apparat被归纳为Glitch / IDM系的电音製作人,其作品以带著感性忧伤神绪见称,更为乐迷津津乐道,是他会为其电音曲目配以室乐(Chamber Music)式真弦乐伴奏,让Apparat的Glitch / IDM电音能得以赋予著一份唯美色彩与动人之处.
1. Their legacy will be preserved in an extraordinary range of excellent recordings, but fans of chamber music should not miss their final concerts in Beijing.
2. The orchestra also will host master classes with young Chinese musicians, and present several smaller chamber music performances for local hospitals and community organizations.
3. It is also a virtuoso chamber choir, with discipline and technique excelling in both traditional and contemporary music in the classical tradition.
4. Jos Mara Gallardo del Rey is one of a handful of guitar solo players who strive to enrich the genre of chamber music.
5. The ensemble can perform the most intimate chamber music as well as a large symphonic orchestral repertoire.
6. The three young musicians played chamber music from the very beginning of their musical lives and shared a passion for the genre.
7. The acclaimed chamber music group Shanghai Quartet also returns after making a name for itself on the world map.
8. They have appeared on MTV and National Public Radio and dozens of chamber music festivals.
9. The event included music, a red carpet and a bridal chamber for the dogs.
10. The Guangzhou Yuesheng Chamber Orchestra is an outstanding professional music group founded in 2006, that has performed more than 500 times at home and abroad.