名词油画表面出粉的现象,灰化(上石灰),粉化(镀层和基体之间形成一种疏松粉末的镀层表面缺陷); 垩化
1. 粉化:DIBOND® 铝复合板符合欧洲卷材协会(ECCA)要求具有以下特点:表面烤漆抗 UV 紫外线,符合( ECCA )要求. 经美国佛罗里达测试三年后,使用一般聚酯漆板的亮度只有德邦板的三分之一. 期限 颜色差异( Color Variation ) 粉化 (Chalking)
2. 起垩:活动镶件movable insert | 起垩chalking | 浇注系统feed system
3. 垩化:chalk 白垩 | chalking 垩化 | chalybite 菱铁矿
4. 用白粉作标记:chalking resistant marine paint 不褪色船用磁漆 | chalking 用白粉作标记 | challenge 挑战;任务;问题;询问
1. Film and TV executives are chalking up new skills in the latest management techniques.
2. He said the department is chalking out measures to support college graduates, who will not be able to land satisfactory jobs this year.
3. ATV has been mired in difficulty for years, chalking up annual losses of over HK $ 1 billion.
4. chalking的近义词
4. The nation is chalking out a plan whereby it expects renewable energy to account for 20 percent of the total energy needs.