
chalkboard [ˈtʃɔ:kbɔ:d]  [ˈtʃɔ:kbɔ:rd] 


chalkboard 基本解释


chalkboard 网络解释

1. 黑板:燕南天(noname)的聊天室 这里是燕南天为大家提供的聊天室,中间几个桌凳,上面零零散散的摆着茶 水和烟灰缸,地上则是一地的瓜子皮和烟头,除此之外空空荡荡的什么也没有. 在门口歪歪斜斜的放着一个黑板(chalkboard),上面写着几行字. 这里唯一的出口是 out.

2. 黑板 (名):chalk 粉笔; 白垩 (名) | chalkboard 黑板 (名) | chalkiness 粉笔的特征; 类似粉笔的特征 (名)

chalkboard 词典解释

1. 黑板
    A chalkboard is a dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk. Chalkboards are often used by teachers in the classroom.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 blackboard
chalkboard 单语例句

1. A new academic year started, and I returned to the chalkboard.

2. A nearby schoolhouse believed to be used for training terrorists had instructions for making roadside bombs written on a chalkboard.

3. chalkboard的反义词

3. Beichuan Middle School will forever preserve the words left by Premier Wen Jiabao last week on the school's chalkboard " challenges make a nation much stronger ".

4. Student Chelsea Wilson said she was in the classroom when the gunman came in and told the students to line up facing the chalkboard.

5. A boy calculates a math problem on the chalkboard at a school.

6. chalkboard的翻译

6. Pool sharks can practice on the pool table located on the second floor balcony, and customers are encouraged to write on the chalkboard walls.

7. His chalkboard " Help Wanted " signs advertised for one worker who can sew belt loops and another who can stitch pockets.

chalkboard 英英释义


1. sheet of slate
    for writing with chalk

    Synonym: blackboard
