
cervical [ˈsɜ:vɪkl]  [ˈsɜ:rvɪkl] 

cervical 基本解释

形容词[解]颈的; 子宫颈的

cervical 网络解释

1. 颈:脊椎由33块脊椎骨组成,分为颈(cervical)、胸(thoracic)、腰(lumbar)、荐(sacral)与尾(coccygeal)五大区域. 脊椎背负著支撑身躯的重任,其灵活性让身体可延伸其活动范围及功能,为身躯提供稳定性及柔软性. 椎骨与椎骨之间有一形状如圆盘的组织,

2. 颈椎:后路颈椎间孔切开术/椎间盘切除术是从颈椎后方对神经根施行减压的手术方法. 此术语源自后路(posterior)、颈椎(cervical)、椎间孔切开术(foraminotomy) 和椎间盘切除术(discectomy)这几个词.

3. 颈部的:ceruminal plug 耳垢栓塞 | cervical 颈部的 | cervical canal 子宫颈管

cervical 词典解释

1. 子宫颈的
    Cervical means relating to the cervix.

    e.g. ...the number of women dying from cervical cancer.

2. 颈部的
    Cervical means relating to the neck.

    e.g. ...the discs in the upper cervical spine.

cervical 单语例句

1. Another type of papillomavirus causes cervical cancer, but the strains that cause warts are not cancerous.

2. Health statistics show that Beijing women have benefited from regular medical examinations for women's diseases including cervical carcinoma.

3. cervical

3. But in recent years, breast cancer has surpassed cervical cancer as a cause of death in some developing countries.

4. " I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1998, " You said.

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5. It also wants to extend its cervical cancer screening program to give all women smears tests every three years and improve health education among women.

6. cervical的近义词

6. Scientists with the bureau unearthed the fossils in 2005, including a complete skull without lower jaw and cervical and back vertebrae.

7. An article on the treatment of cervical erosion and vaginitis posted by " Doctor Han " four years ago created the highest clicking record on the website.

8. Mui died of cervical cancer in December 2003 and under her will, her mother gets the stipend from a trust set up by Mui.

9. cervical的近义词

9. On one side are scientists who believe that condoms should be promoted as a crucial line of defense against several STDs and cervical cancer.

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10. Doctors said she dislocated her fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae when she landed on her head and her lower body went numb.

cervical 英英释义


1. cervical的近义词

1. relating to or associated with the neck

2. cervical在线翻译

2. of or relating to the cervix of the uterus

    e.g. cervical cancer
