
centime ['sɑ:nti:m]  ['sɑ:nti:m] 


centime 基本解释


centime 网络解释


1. 生丁:该微型机械杰作卡西欧手表图片价格由 120 件零件组成,大小等同于一枚细小的瑞士法朗 20 生丁 (centime) 硬币. 这款传奇机芯 (尽管其创记录的设计随后被其它高级制表品卡西欧手表图片价格牌所取替) 曾被应用于三款圆形腕表上,

2. 法国货币单位:centillion 千或百万的百乘 | centime 法国货币单位 | centimes 海地辅币

3. 生丁(法国货币单位):centilitre || 厘升(等于百分之一公升) | centime || 生丁(法国货币单位) | centimeter || 厘米

4. 生丁, 分 (名):centillion 一千的百乘; 一百万的百乘 (名) | centime 生丁, 分 (名) | centimeter 公分 (名)

centime 双语例句

1. Experimental result shows voltage of metalline pipe ri--ses up to 52.8 KV in four seconds, when the organics powder pass th- rough continually a metalline pipe 20 centimetre in Length, 5 centime- tre in diameter.

2. As I haven't a centime in my pocket I don't quite see the point of this, until he bursts out: For Christ's sake, remember that we're broke.

3. No, it was the odd numbers which intrigued me. He used to figure it out to the last centime. If I was to pay in full I would have had to break a sou.

4. A 12 centime diameter (around 43/4 inches) disk containing digital audio or digital computer information, which can be played back and on a laser-equipped player.
    光盘。一张直径 12 厘米(大约 4 3/4 英寸)的磁盘可以用来存储数据音频或数字计算机信息,在激光播放机上回放并且。

5. Drawing on a panoramic clothing of sources, from Sunday-school textbooks and favourite exhibitions to centime magazines and soldiers diaries, the aggregation demonstrates how the orientalist handle functions--or, to be more precise, malfunctions--in those favourite ethnic spheres that are so markedly abstracted from prince Saids work: it is exclusive by exploring sources that go beyond the highbrow, the academic, or the official, that we crapper begin to apprehension the restricted nowness of the orientalist handle in the metropolitan center, and the assorted meanings it could stop for assorted ethnic groups.

6. The transparent crystals of millimeter dimension and centime - ter needle shaped crystals have been grown successfully.

7. Experimental result shows voltage of metalline pipe ri - - ses up to 52.8 KV in four seconds, when the organics powder pass th - rough continually a metalline pipe 20 centimetre in Length, 5 centime - tre in diameter.

8. The average length gauned in the lower extremity was 4.8cms; and the mean healing index was 34 days per centime - ter.

centime 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. The dollar earlier fell a quarter of a centime against the Swiss franc, a traditional safe haven.

centime 英英释义


1. centime的解释

1. a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit

    Synonym: penny cent

2. a fractional monetary unit of several countries: France and Algeria and Belgium and Burkina Faso and Burundi and Cameroon and Chad and the Congo and Gabon and Haiti and the Ivory Coast and Luxembourg and Mali and Morocco and Niger and Rwanda and Senegal and Switzerland and Togo
