center forward

center forward [ˈsentə ˈfɔ:wəd]  [ˈsɛntɚ ˈfɔrwəd] 

center forward 基本解释
center forward 网络解释

center forward什么意思

1. 中锋:姓名:久保嘉晴 生日:7月29日 身高:179公分 体重:58公斤 球号:10号 主踢:中锋(Center Forward) 简介: 早年旅居德国两年,对足球的执著超乎常人. 回国以後,国中与神谷在校外的山叶队搭档,也在毕业後一起到新成立的挂川高中,创立属於久保心中的梦幻球......

2. 排球:center fielder 中场手 | center forward 排球 | center halfback 足球

3. 中锋、前锋:left wing -- 左翼、左边锋 | center forward -- 中锋、前锋 | right wing -- 右翼、右边锋

4. 中锋 Gea中国英语学习网:defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰) Gea中国英语学习网 | center forward 中锋 Gea中国英语学习网 | full back 后卫 Gea中国英语学习网

center forward 单语例句

1. The author of the book can now look forward to adding a section on " Days which have been completely rained off except on Center Court ".

2. In the center is a square frame that can be moved forward, bringing with it the emperor and his throne.

3. In the center will be a square frame that can be moved forward, bringing with it the emperor and his throne.

4. center forward的意思

4. Miami Heat picked up the contract options on center Wang Zhizhi and forward Malik Allen, the club announced on Thursday.

5. Zhou plans to join the legal aid center in the future to pay it forward.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. In the past two games it's been reduced to two strikers, one center forward and playmaker Francesco Totti.

7. She indicated that the center will put forward a proposal to the regional government for approval.

8. Lakers guard Kobe Bryant was picked for the West along with Phoenix center Amare Stoudemire and Denver forward Carmelo Anthony.

9. center forward的解释

9. Looking forward, outlet center development projects remain attractive to investors and more will be built in China.
