
censure [ˈsenʃə(r)]  [ˈsɛnʃɚ] 







censure 基本解释

名词责备; 指责,谴责; 斥责

及物动词指责; 谴责; 责备; 批评


censure 相关例句



1. The judge censured the driver but didn't fine him.


1. He received a public censure for his dishonourable behavior.

censure 网络解释


1. 谴责:n of license)、禁止在券商处供职(Bar from association with a broker-dealer)、中止许可、限制从业人员或机构的行为和业务种类、谴责(Censure对与证券有关的行业(律师业、会计师业)从业人员进行谴责或取消其在SEC前执业的资格;

2. 责难:sear#使枯萎;烧灼;使麻木 | censure#责难 | brag#夸张

3. 指责,非难:caustic 刻薄的,讽刺的 | censure 指责,非难 | centrifugal 离心的

4. 指责:censorship 潜意识稽查 | censure 指责 | census 人口调查

censure 词典解释

1. 严厉批评;指责
    If you censure someone for something that they have done, you tell them that you strongly disapprove of it.

    e.g. The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him...
    e.g. I would not presume to censure Osborne for hating his mother.

censure 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Any censure and fear of China is " groundless, " he said.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. BEIJING - Government officials who allow the use of pirated software in their offices will face censure amid a drive to promote authorized software.

3. Government officials who allow the use of pirated software in their offices will face censure amid a drive to promote authorized software.

4. And while his weekly email magazine made no direct mention of the censure, the opening greeting yesterday was " Never give up ".

5. The decision was seen as a victory for Iran, which has warned that Washington would be isolated if it seeks strong censure of Tehran.

6. I knew it was not right to anger a lady, though I wondered what exactly I had done wrong to deserve such censure.

7. The announcement came after weeks of news media censure of Shanghai's questionable entrapment methods used by its law enforcement officers.

8. Some aggressive people criticize the infected for bringing in the virus, thereby provoking moral censure in society.

9. Washington decided against such a censure last year and China told the United States to " think three times " about introducing a critical resolution.

10. censure的意思

10. Although European colonial powers receive their share of censure, the main goal is keeping memories of Japanese conquest fresh.

censure 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. harsh criticism or disapproval

    Synonym: animadversion

2. the state of being excommunicated

    Synonym: excommunication exclusion


1. rebuke formally

    Synonym: reprimand criminate
