
cemetery [ˈsemətri]  [ˈseməteri] 


cemetery 基本解释


cemetery 网络解释


1. 墓地:]森林木桶 墓地 (Cemetery) 幽灵鬼域 墓地骷髅手指 墓地幽灵峡谷 神秘修道院 恐怖小径 矿山 (Zerostone Mine) 矿山宝石开采场 矿山瀑布 矿山曲折滑坡 矿山熔岩小径 矿山岩浆洞穴 太空 (Northeu) 太空高速轨道 太空回旋走廊 太空基地 太空喷射滑坡 太空跳跃峡谷 太空蜿蜒跑道 太空极限跳跃 太空军用机场 [反方向]太空高速轨道

2. 墓园:回到 Tenebrae,往东离开城市,顺着路往东北走,直到进入 墓园 (Cemetery)8. 跟 Vividos 说话,自愿帮他取回被 Tenebrae 城主( Tempest ) 取走的 Dagger. 24. 回到 Stellos,接受下一个测验,到 城西建筑(monastery)的地下室,

cemetery 词典解释

1. 墓地;公墓;坟场
    A cemetery is a place where dead people's bodies or their ashes are buried.

cemetery 单语例句

1. The company's major business includes cemetery sales, tombstone design and the operation of funeral homes.

2. The report said her tomb was the only one damaged in the cemetery, and footage showed police covering it with canvas and cordoning off the area around it.

3. A hearse overturned when the horses pulling it to a south London cemetery stampeded, dragging the carriage and coffin past appalled relatives and sending floral tributes flying.

4. Eminent monks are invited to the Jiuhua Mountain Cemetery to hold special a ceremony to carry forward the filial culture.

5. cemetery什么意思

5. Confucius'cemetery and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu were also destroyed.

6. But after both law enforcement and visitors came across more remains while seeking answers, authorities closed the cemetery Friday and labeled it an expanding crime scene.

7. But the cemetery placed no numerical limits on the numbers of fans wanting to pay their respects and leave flowers on a nearby outdoor terrace.

8. cemetery在线翻译

8. The new law bars protests within 300 feet of the entrance of a national cemetery and within 150 feet of a road into the cemetery.

9. They learned that their mother was buried elsewhere in the cemetery after they complained last summer that the gravesite had fallen into disrepair.

10. In 2007 and 2008 Chen met teachers leading student field trips to the cemetery, one from a nearby junior school and the other from a local college.

cemetery 英英释义


1. a tract of land used for burials

    Synonym: graveyard burial site burial ground burying ground memorial park necropolis
