cell nucleus

cell nucleus [sel ˈnju:kliəs]  [sɛl ˈnukliəs] 

cell nucleus 基本解释

cell nucleus的反义词


cell nucleus 网络解释

1. 细胞核:这样又造成了其它稳定的电子失去了与它配对的电子,变成了不稳定的奇数的电子,产生了自由基),它先侵蚀细胞膜(CELL MEMBRANE),既而进攻细胞核(CELL NUCLEUS),破坏核里的染色体(CHORMOSOME),即DNA,DNA被破坏以后,

cell nucleus 单语例句

1. The team created the beagles by infecting dog fibroblast cells with a virus that inserted the fluorescent gene into the cell nucleus.

2. cell nucleus

2. The new technique seeks to condense and transfer only the donor's genetic material to a surrogate's egg instead of an entire cell nucleus.

3. The nucleus was then transferred to another dog's egg cell whose nucleus had been removed.

4. cell nucleus的近义词

4. Researchers used a technology known as chromatin transfer, in which Nicky's DNA was transplanted into an egg cell whose nucleus had been removed.

5. The nucleus is replaced through a microscopic glass tube by the nucleus of a cell from the animal to be cloned.

6. Each egg had its nucleus replaced by a whole human embryonic stem cell from a batch held at the UK stem cell bank.

cell nucleus 英英释义


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1. a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction

    Synonym: nucleus karyon
