
cede [si:d]  [sid] 







cede 基本解释

及物动词放弃; 让给,割让

cede 相关例句


1. France ceded the territory to them.

2. He ceded his stock holdings to his children.

cede 网络解释


1. 走:infinite 无限,极大 | cede 走 | concede妥协

2. 让与:cedar 杉木 | cede 让与 | cedingcompany 分出公司

3. 割让,转让,让步:antecedent 在先,在前的 | cede 割让,转让,让步 | cession 让与,放弃

cede 词典解释

1. 割让(领土);放弃(权力)
    If someone in a position of authority cedes land or power to someone else, they let them have the land or power, often as a result of military or political pressure.

    e.g. Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America...
    e.g. The General had promised to cede power by January.

cede 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Someone will have to cede the share, as Europe has been reluctant to do so.

2. National governments are unlikely to cede significant control to transnational institutions, and harmonizing rules would not benefit societies with diverse needs and preferences.

3. They said on Friday that the EU was ready to cede two of its seats on the IMF board to underrepresented emerging markets.

4. Patrick Leahy last week became the first leading Democrat to openly call on Clinton to step aside and cede the nomination to Obama.

5. Zoellick expressed a similar view the previous day by saying developed nations should cede more authority over the global economy.

6. Administration officials said they intend to remain in control of Iraq and have no immediate plans to cede more control to the United Nations.

7. California is the nation's single biggest electoral prize, and Bush made clear he would not cede the state to Kerry.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Gbagbo has refused to cede power despite Ouattara's wide recognition as the winner in the Nov 28 presidential runoff.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. In May 2002, the former opposition parties united to demand that the fractured CUG cede committee chairmanships.

10. Mugabe was said to be pondering conflicting advice on whether to cede power or face a runoff.

cede 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. relinquish possession or control over

    e.g. The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in

    Synonym: surrender deliver give up

2. cede

2. give over
    surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another

    Synonym: concede yield grant
