
cautiousness [kɔːʃəsnis] 

cautiousness 网络解释


1. 慎重:(8) 勤奮 diligence | (11)慎重 Cautiousness | (14)耐性 endurance

2. 谨慎, 小心 (名):cautiously 小心地, 谨慎地 (副) | cautiousness 谨慎, 小心 (名) | cavalcade 骑马行进; 骑兵队; 游行行列; 一系列 (名)

3. 细心/谨慎:cautiously /慎重地/ | cautiousness /细心/谨慎/ | cavalcade /行列/骑马行列/

4. 小心:Boldness 大胆 | Cautiousness 小心 | Compassion 同情

cautiousness 单语例句

1. It was a reflection of cautiousness, the closeness of the race and the influence of furious spinning by both campaigns.

2. cautiousness

2. He predicts the cautiousness of homebuyers will drag down transactions in the primary market, and developers will shy away to trigger land auctions.

3. Given all that, it's easy to understand McCain's cautiousness.

4. It is reported that the Supreme People's Court will withdraw this power next year to better ensure justness and cautiousness of death sentences.

cautiousness 英英释义


1. the trait of being cautious
    being attentive to possible danger

    e.g. a man of caution

    Synonym: caution carefulness
