cause of action

cause of action [kɔ:z ɔv ˈækʃən]  [kɔz ʌv ˈækʃən] 

cause of action 基本解释

名词案由; 诉因; <法>原告的起诉缘由

cause of action 网络解释


1. 诉因:(2) 法院在考虑决定是否该标准获得了满足不应受其他事项的限制,而所应考虑因素是: (a) 诉因(cause of action) 或答辩(defence) 的性质; (b) 诉讼标的(subject matter of the proceeding) 的性质; (c) 主张事实的重要性(gravity) .

2. 案由:(20) 执行中止和终结:suspension and termination of execution | (21) 案由:cause of action | (22) 诉讼请求:the claims

3. 起诉理由:case law 案例法 | cause of action 起诉理由 | chancellor 衡平法官

cause of action 单语例句

1. The cause of action in the case of Apple was rather unconventional.

2. He suggested that right holder should initiate a lawsuit under the cause of action of unfair competition against the holder of the domain name.

3. Due to the economic factors involved, the packaging design has been a cause of action between many companies.

4. Suggestions have been proposed that GM Daewoo may have a cause of action for copyright infringement.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Yang claimed yesterday at court that his action was not the direct cause of Huang's death.

cause of action 英英释义

cause of action的翻译


1. a claim sufficient to demand judicial attention
    the facts that give rise to right of action
