cattle plague

cattle plague [ˈkætl pleiɡ]  [ˈkætl pleɡ] 

cattle plague 基本解释


cattle plague 网络解释

cattle plague的翻译

1. 牛瘟:1畜种(animal species) 畜种不同其所患疾病及对药物的敏感性也不同,如鼻疽(farcinia)、腺疫(strangles)只发生于马,马对蓖麻籽和电击敏感;牛瘟(cattle plague)只侵害牛,牛对汞制剂敏感;猪瘟(swine plague)、猪丹毒(brickpox)只侵害猪,

2. 牛疫:cattle hide 牛皮 | cattle plague 牛疫 | cattle shearing 家畜剪毛

3. 牛瘟,牛疫:cattle mating || 牛的交配 家畜交配 | cattle plague || 牛瘟,牛疫 | cattle raising || 养牛

cattle plague 双语例句

1. When plague comes, fowl, cattle and people die in great deal.

2. The name means " cattle plague " in German.

cattle plague的近义词

3. Cattle plague was not on the list.

4. Perfect the system of dairy cattle plague prevention;

5. This paper mainly discusses the investigation and research on livestock diseases in modern China. It includes: (1) Preparation and improvement of cattle plague vaccine and prevention of cattle plague;

6. Within seven years, basically eliminate a number of those diseases most harmful to human beings and livestock, such as schistosomiasis, filariasis, bubonic plague, encephalitis, cattle plague and hog cholera

7. The name means " cattle plague " in German.

cattle plague 英英释义


1. an acute infectious viral disease of cattle (usually fatal)
    characterized by fever and diarrhea and inflammation of mucous membranes

    Synonym: rinderpest
