cattle farm

cattle farm [ˈkætl fɑ:m]  [ˈkætl fɑrm] 

cattle farm 基本解释
cattle farm 网络解释


1. 农场:终于在...(1)提供肉食产品,为此你需要一个牧牛农场(cattle farm)和屠宰场(butcher'shop) (2)找到有大象的岛屿,建一个捕猎...(3)这时海盗雷迈兹(Ramirez)找到你,要你找到他海难失踪的儿子,并带回给他,文件的事就可以商量.

2. 奶牛场:farm 农场 | cattle farm 奶牛场 | ranch 大农场,牧场

3. 牛舍 需求:无 生产:牛:Apiary养蜂房 需求:本岛可养蜜蜂 生产:蜂蜡 Beeswax | Cattle farm 牛舍 需求:无 生产:牛 Cattle | Butcher's shop 屠夫店 需求:牛+盐 生产:肉(实际是腌肉)

4. 养牛场,牧场:cattle cake 饲料饼 | cattle farm 养牛场;牧场 | cattle food 家畜饲料

cattle farm 单语例句

1. cattle farm的反义词

1. The herd of cattle at the farm rises to 40 from five at the beginning.

2. This would reduce the chance of farmers failing to notify the authorities of animal epidemics, as was the case at the Guangzhou Yunyan Cattle Farm.

3. They included food additive vendors, cattle farm owners and fresh milk purchasers.

4. It crashed at a cattle farm near Venezuela's border with Colombia, authorities said.

5. More than 400 sick cows from the Guangzhou Yunyan Cattle Farm were slaughtered on Wednesday, the provincial animal husbandry bureau said.

6. Police apprehended Xu who confessed that he had stolen poultry, farm cattle and bicycles in the area more than once.

cattle farm 英英释义


1. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)

    Synonym: ranch spread cattle ranch
