catch out

catch out [kætʃ aut]  [kætʃ aʊt] 

catch out 基本解释
catch out 网络解释

1. 发现:catch one's death of cold 患致命的感冒 | catch one's eye 引起某人的注意 | catch out 发现

2. (棒球中)接杀; 抓住(某人)短处; (用手段)挫败(某人):catch on [口]投合人心, 受人欢迎 理解, 明白 抓住 找到工作. | catch out (棒球中)接杀; 抓住(某人)短处; (用手段)挫败(某人) | catch sb. napping 乘人不备, 乘人不注意

3. 发觉,抓住某人的错处:catch one's word 听懂某人的话 | catch out 发觉,抓住某人的错处 | catch sight of 发现,瞥见

4. 发觉...有错误(或做坏事):catch on 流行起来;懂得,理解 | catch out发觉...有错误(或做坏事) | catch up with 赶上

catch out 单语例句

1. Defenders touched by raiders are declared out and sent off the field if they do not catch raiders before they return to their own court.

2. The first time we went out we didn't catch anything so we went out the following day at the crack of dawn.

3. The quiet surroundings make it an ideal place for celebrities and business people to work out and catch up with each other.

4. catch out

4. Officials said the Chinook was carrying soldiers to Baghdad International Airport, where they were scheduled to catch flights out of the country for two weeks'vacation.

5. A woman's attempt to divorce her husband was thwarted by a court after she arranged an elaborate trick to catch him out.

6. catch out是什么意思

6. They reported seeing residents walking out of the district on foot towards a nearby highway to catch lifts from passing cars.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. The keeper then did well to clear from Torres after Spain looked to catch out an advanced China back line.

8. The film was earlier to be helmed by Phil Noyce of'Catch A Fire'fame, but he later dropped out.

9. catch out的意思

9. Some people wonder whether India can ever catch up with China, pointing out China's remarkable achievements in infrastructure and manufacturing.

10. The guidelines will map out the nation's overall education strategy to overcome its downsides as well as catch up with developed countries.

catch out 英英释义


1. trap
    especially in an error or in a reprehensible act

    e.g. He was caught out
           She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks

    Synonym: find out
