catch fire

catch fire [kætʃ ˈfaiə]  [kætʃ faɪr] 

catch fire 基本解释
catch fire 相关例句


1. Paper catches fire easily.

catch fire 网络解释

catch fire什么意思

1. 着火:----------我认为你的改法不可以,着火(catch fire)是一瞬间的事情,而且它也用了Suddenly来提示你这个动作的瞬时性,这肯定是过去的已经发生的事情了,不能用进行时.

2. 着火,烧着:catch at 想抓住;立即接受 | catch fire 着火,烧着 | catch on 理解,明白,变得流行

3. 着火;开始燃烧:wire n.电缆;电线;金属丝 | catch fire 着火;开始燃烧 | container n.容器;集装箱

4. 着火,引起火灾:The man refused to carry out the captain's orders.那人拒绝执行队长的命令. | catch fire着火,引起火灾 | A small cigarette may catch big fire.一支小小的香烟或许引起一场火灾.

catch fire 单语例句

1. Little wonder that the material used to keep the rooms warm was polyurethane foam, a material that can easily catch fire and once on fire emits toxic gases.

2. The extreme heat caused a Beijing bus to catch fire on Tuesday morning.

3. Preliminary investigations have shown that the aircraft did not catch fire or explode before landing, and sabotage has been excluded.

4. We see Frankenstein throw some chemicals in a cauldron, whose contents catch fire.

5. On hitting the ground, the second explosion occurred causing the fuel tanks to catch fire.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The film was earlier to be helmed by Phil Noyce of'Catch A Fire'fame, but he later dropped out.

7. The anxious Wang then told the crew on board that his home would catch fire unless the stove was turned off in time.

8. Dell and Apple Computer last month together recalled almost six million Sony batteries, saying that they could produce smoke and catch fire.

9. catch fire的翻译

9. The area became so dry that some of the reed marshes have been known to catch fire.


10. Kenny said Jones may have severed the arm because he feared his vehicle would catch fire.

catch fire 英英释义


1. start to burn or burst into flames

    e.g. Marsh gases ignited suddenly
           The oily rags combusted spontaneously

    Synonym: erupt ignite take fire combust conflagrate
