
catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi]  [kəˈtæstrəfi] 


catastrophe 基本解释


名词大灾难; 惨败; 悲剧的结局; 地表突然而猛烈的变动,灾变

catastrophe 相关例句



1. The catastrophe of a tragedy usually brings death or ruin to the leading character.

2. Their English party turned out to be a catastrophe.

3. The flood in Venice was a major catastrophe.

catastrophe 网络解释


1. 大灾难:>>的拍摄,2000年拍摄<<大灾难>>(Catastrophe),从事电影表演前后跨度77年. 1904年4月14日生于伦敦,毕业于英国皇家戏剧艺术学院,以擅长扮演莎士比亚戏剧闻名于世. 1924年初登银幕,26岁第一次扮演哈姆雷特,创下了40岁以下英国演员扮演哈姆雷特的戏剧史纪录,

2. (灾难):1982年,他把自己的剧本<<大灾难>>(Catastrophe)献给了捷克持不同政见者、作家瓦茨拉夫.哈维尔. 有人说,他这么做只是事后心血来潮而已. 但是,事实上,这个剧本是专门为哈维尔而写的,是为了证明他和哈维尔是团结一致的. 当时哈维尔已经遭到了软禁,

catastrophe 词典解释

1. catastrophe的解释

1. 重大灾难;灾祸;横祸
    A catastrophe is an unexpected event that causes great suffering or damage.

    e.g. From all points of view, war would be a catastrophe...
    e.g. If the world is to avoid environmental catastrophe, advanced economies must undergo a profound transition.

catastrophe 单语例句

1. The Bhopal gas disaster was an industrial catastrophe which occurred at the Union Carbide's pesticide plant in Bhopal.

2. " We could have had a catastrophe here, " he added.

3. catastrophe的反义词

3. A global conference on the tsunami catastrophe opened Tuesday amid calls for direct world action to prevent such natural events from becoming mass killers.

4. He based his judgment on evidence and reasoning and rejected the notion that recent earthquakes were a premonition to imminent human catastrophe.

5. As our leaders and soldiers risked their own lives to go to the quake forefront, the merciless catastrophe continued to take away thousands of lives.

6. The minister vowed to implement measures to prevent a repeat of the summer catastrophe once conclusions were made by parliamentary and other investigations.

7. Scores of factories known to have discharged harmful effluence are to be closely watched by environmental authorities in an effort to prevent a catastrophe.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. If physically abusing the authority figure is the way to go, the Cultural Revolution would have been a cultural nirvana instead of the catastrophe it was.

9. The way and speed with which the Chinese leadership has responded to the catastrophe in rapid mobilization of men and material is world class.

10. catastrophe什么意思

10. The catastrophe also sparked a nuclear leak crisis at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which the Japanese government is still trying to contain.

catastrophe 英英释义


1. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

    e.g. the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
           the earthquake was a disaster

    Synonym: calamity disaster tragedy cataclysm

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a sudden violent change in the earth's surface

    Synonym: cataclysm

3. a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune

    e.g. lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system
           his policies were a disaster

    Synonym: disaster
