
cataract [ˈkætərækt]  [ˈkætəˌrækt] 


cataract 基本解释

名词大瀑布,急瀑布; [医]白内障; 暴雨,洪水; 奔流


cataract 相关例句


1. The rotor cataracts water over the top of the machines.


1. Cataracts of rain flooded the streets.

cataract 网络解释


1. 白内障:白内障(Cataract)晶状体混浊称为白内障.老化遗传代谢异常外伤辐射中毒和局部营养不良等可引起晶状体囊膜损伤使其渗透性增加丧失屏障作用或导致晶状体代谢紊乱使晶状体蛋白发生变性形成混浊.分先天性和后天性.

2. 大瀑布:他们穿过很多美丽的峡谷,绕过无数大瀑布(cataract)、激流(rapid)和瀑布(waterfall). 带着仅有的两艘船,和几乎完全耗尽的给养,剩余的六个人终于到达了维尔京河(Virgin)的摩门教定居点. 这里,是他们一百天探险的终点.

3. 内障,白内障:白内障白内障(Cataract)晶状体混浊称为白内障,石家庄联谊医院是专业治疗白内障疾病的专科医院. 采用中西医结合治疗老化、遗传、代谢异常、外伤、辐射、中毒和局部营养不良等引起的白内障疾病效果卓著.

4. 瀑布:而聚合影相於视网膜,并可过泸掉紫外线. 水晶体的这个适应性在 40 岁起会逐渐退化,这现象也就是老花眼. 同时水晶体也随年龄逐渐氧化混浊,造成好像是从瀑布 (cataract) 后方看东西,这现象也就是白内障 (cataract).

cataract 词典解释

1. 白内障
    Cataracts are layers over a person's eyes that prevent them from seeing properly. Cataracts usually develop because of old age or illness.

    e.g. In one study, light smokers were found to be more than twice as likely to get cataracts as non-smokers...
    e.g. Age is not a factor in cataract surgery.

2. 大瀑布
    A cataract is a large waterfall.

cataract 单语例句

1. " This test does correlate significantly with cataract formation, " Stark says.

2. Zhou lost his sight to a cataract when he was 9, despite his parents'best efforts to stave off the worst.

3. cataract

3. A checkup revealed that the panda suffers from fractures in the thoracic vertebra and that a cataract has blinded his right eye.

4. In the last trip of the Chinese medical team in May 2011, a total of 248 Myanmar cataract eye patients benefited from the free medical service.

5. Xuchang Zoo in Henan province is seeking experts and animal doctors from around the country to carry out cataract surgery on a northeast China tiger.

6. This year is the second time the organization is sponsoring a medical group to give Myanmar patients free cataract operations.

7. Chinese vets and doctors have reported success in cataract removals on Siberian tigers, but have never operated on a South China tiger.

8. Many rural cataract suffers in China go without proper medical treatment due to the poor state of rural medical services.

9. Due to the time limitation of each medical checkup, each patient can only receive free cataract surgery on one eye.

10. cataract在线翻译

10. He has donated 80 percent of his wealth to help cataract suffers regain their eyesight.

cataract 英英释义



1. a large waterfall
    violent rush of water over a precipice

2. an eye disease that involves the clouding or opacification of the natural lens of the eye
