cast back

cast back [kɑ:st bæk]  [kæst bæk] 

cast back 基本解释

cast back的反义词


cast back 网络解释


1. 回想,追溯:cast aside 消除,抛弃;废除 | cast back 回想,追溯 | cast oneself on 委身于,指望

2. 回想:cast away 抛弃 | cast back 回想 | cast down 使沮丧

3. 追溯:cast away 抛弃 | cast back 追溯 | cast off 释放

4. 追溯, 回想; 退回; 恢复:cast away 抛弃, 丢掉, 排斥, 浪费, 使(船)漂流, | cast back 追溯, 回想; 退回; 恢复 | cast behind 疏远; 把...抛在脑后

cast back 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Cast your mind back to the shocking images of the deadly earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan one year ago.


2. One election volunteer escorted a blind man back to his home after he cast his vote.

3. Warner Bros has scaled back promotions for The Dark Knight Rises, canceling a Paris premiere and calling off appearances by the cast in Mexico and Japan.
