carry out

carry out [ˈkæri aut]  [ˈkæri aʊt] 

carry out 基本解释

进行; 执行; 完成; 抬出去

carry out 相关例句

carry out是什么意思


1. She had finally carried out her promise to quit smoking.

carry out 网络解释

1. 实现:这位将性感带回的男歌手终于从女友杰西卡贝尔(Jessica Biel)那里翘班,在新专辑<<实现>>(Carry Out)的MV中和两名穿惹火法国女佣服的黑人女郎眉目传情.

carry out 词典解释
carry out

1. 实施;执行;实行
    If you carry out a threat, task, or instruction, you do it or act according to it.

    e.g. The Social Democrats could still carry out their threat to leave the government...
    e.g. Police say they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists...

carry out 单语例句

1. The Iranian commander emphasized that the Islamic republic will not carry out an act of aggression against any country but vowed to resist the enemies.

2. This shows that the authorities should take the initiative to carry out supervision rather than wait for such matters to come to attention by accident.

3. The four men face preliminary charges of attempting to carry out an act of terrorism.

4. Firefighters had to carry the men out of the building by force.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Many of our staff act as volunteers to carry out environmental protection promotion activities in communities.

6. carry out

6. China urged North Korea on Wednesday to act with calm and restraint, the day after the country announced that it planned to carry out a nuclear test.

7. carry out什么意思

7. He said he had no indication his son would carry out such an act.

8. Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda may carry out his first cabinet reshuffle since taking office in a bid to increase his political clout.

9. carry out的近义词

9. They were told to strictly carry out the Party's cadre promotion policy and guidelines, and rectify unhealthy tendencies in selecting officials.

10. The administration announced in February that 10 municipalities and provinces had started experimental work to carry out the calculating method.

carry out 英英释义


1. carry out的反义词

1. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue

    e.g. Did he go through with the treatment?
           He implemented a new economic plan
           She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal

    Synonym: follow through follow up follow out implement put through go through

2. put in effect

    e.g. carry out a task
           execute the decision of the people
           He actioned the operation

    Synonym: carry through accomplish execute action fulfill fulfil
