
carp [kɑ:p]  [kɑ:rp] 







carp 基本解释


不及物动词挑剔,吹毛求疵; 找茬儿

名词鲤鱼; 鲤科(包括金鱼或锦鲤)

carp 网络解释

1. 鲤鱼:孟加拉国的渔类品种大约有260个,大致可分为5大类:鲥鱼(Hilsha)、鲤鱼(carp)、鲶鱼(catfish)、对虾(prawn)及其它. 按生产水域不同,可分为海水鱼、虾和淡水鱼、虾两大类. 主要名贵海水鱼有:鲥鱼、鲳鱼(pomfret)、印度三文鱼(IndianSalmon)、石斑鱼(grouper

2. 鲤:文章摘要:在封闭式流动水体中,对鲤(Carp)的耗氧率和窒息点进行初步测定,试验结果表明:(1)鲤的窒息点同水温和鱼体规格的关系. 第一,窒息点与水温的关系:当水温从5℃上升到32℃时,试验鲤的窒息点从0.21mg/L上升到0.59mg/L,可见,

3. 鱼:家家户户为了祝福家中的男孩健康及快乐,都会用纸或布做成色彩鲜艳,形状像鲤鱼(carp)的彩带,然后把这些彩带串在竹竿上,并且与金色的风车绑在一起,挂在屋顶上.

4. 挑剔:carotid sinus baroreceptor 颈动脉窦压力感受器 | carp 挑剔 | carpal 腕关节的

5. carp:call accounting reconciliation process; 呼叫账单的对账步骤

6. carp:computer aided reliability program; 计算机辅助的可靠性方案

7. carp:computed air release point; 计算出来的空投点,计算出来的投弹点

carp 词典解释
Carp can also be used as the plural form for meaning 1. 义项1中 carp 亦可用作复数名词。

1. carp

1. 鲤鱼
    A carp is a kind of fish that lives in lakes and rivers.

2. 挑剔;吹毛求疵;发牢骚
    If you say that someone is carping, you mean that they keep criticizing or complaining about someone or something, especially in a way you think is unnecessary or annoying.

    e.g. He cannot understand why she's constantly carping at him...
    e.g. This was the man whom other trainers love to carp about.

She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.
carp 单语例句

1. carp

1. The word " koi " comes from the Japanese word meaning " carp ".

2. A new variety with higher nutrition value is selling for 10 yuan per kg, much higher than the going rate of 5 yuan for ordinary carp.


3. We were lucky enough at noon to taste the famous carp, saury and shrimp fished from the wetland lakes and rivers.

4. A man running an online Sudoku competition to give away his home has said that he will use his koi carp to decide the winner.

5. And if we want to forestall our looming carp quagmire, this is the kind of attitude we need to adopt on our shores.

6. carp的反义词

6. Prepare to dunk your tootsies in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.

7. But ever since the Three Gorges Dam's first water impoundment in 2003, the flows needed for Chinese carp have not been met.

8. The Yangtze River twists and turns 157 kilometers in the area of Jianli, an important breeding ground for various fish including the Chinese carp.

9. The scales and whiskers of the carp resemble that of a dragon, a great symbol of power in China.

10. A Founder's Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 reduces the spiciness but enhances the flavor of boiled grass carp in spicy soup.

carp 英英释义


1. any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. the lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed
    can be baked or braised


1. raise trivial objections

    Synonym: cavil chicane
