
carnivore [ˈkɑ:nɪvɔ:(r)]  [ˈkɑ:rnɪvɔ:(r)] 


carnivore 基本解释


carnivore 网络解释


1. 肉食动物:-ology 表示学问. 就字面意义来说,生态学是一门研究生物栖息环境的学科. 生态学主要在探讨生物与生物,以及生物和其居住地环境之间相互依存关系的一门学科. 消费者:包括草食动物(herbivore)、肉食动物(carnivore)和杂食动物(omnivore).

2. 系统:王新元本月获得美国国家科学基金会(NSF)赞助307,436美元,协助把他的研究成果转化成警方可利用的监听工具,作为更新版的联邦调查局(FBI)民间通讯监听系统(Carnivore).

3. 食肉动物;食肉生物:caribou驯鹿 | carnivore食肉动物;食肉生物 | carrying capacity负载能力

carnivore 词典解释

1. carnivore在线翻译

1. 食肉动物
    A carnivore is an animal that eats meat.

2. 喜欢吃肉的人;食肉动物(诙谐说法)
    If you describe someone as a carnivore, you are saying, especially in a humorous way, that they eat meat.

    e.g. This is a vegetarian dish that carnivores love.

carnivore 单语例句

1. In my hometown, rabbit meat does not rank very high on a carnivore's list.

2. The small but fierce carnivore is 48 cm by 16 cm large and weighs about a kilogram.

3. The scientists who made the discovery now believe Heterodontosaurus was in the process of evolutionary transition from carnivore to vegetarian.

4. carnivore的近义词

4. With the protection of the largest land carnivore pushed aside, the Arctic will be open to rampant exploitation.

carnivore 英英释义


1. any animal that feeds on flesh

    e.g. Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore
           insectivorous plants are considered carnivores

2. a terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal

    e.g. terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb
