名词康乃馨,麝香石竹; 淡红色,肉色
1. 肉色:就是让他画笔下的脸失去了他所要传达的真实与内在感.特别是与那画得栩栩如生,金碧辉煌的立体服饰一比,整个欠缺自然的明暗反差,仅以淡淡的肉色(carnation)底色为基色的心形脸庞就好像紧紧地贴在画布上一样扁平不堪(Fumerton 79).本来是用来营造青春永驻的技法,
2. 麝香石竹:七、麝香石竹(Carnation) 花坛中种植的麝香石竹,都来源于二倍体的(2n=30)麝香石竹(DIANTHUSCaryophyllus),它们仍旧野生在阿特拉斯山上. 开黄花的麝香石竹,可能是由它和巴尔干种D.knappei(2n=30)杂交得到的. 四季开花的麝香石竹到1950年左右才培育出来,
1. 康乃馨
A carnation is a plant with white, pink, or red flowers.
1. The students each sent a carnation to the teacher he or she liked.
2. A pink carnation is to honor a living mother and a white carnation is memory of a mother who passed away.
3. It was Jarvis who originated the custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day because carnation was her mother's favorite flower.
4. A message left on Wednesday night at a telephone listing for a Michele Anderson in the Carnation area was not immediately returned.
1. carnation
1. a pink or reddish-pink color
2. Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers
widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors
Synonym: clove pink gillyflower Dianthus caryophyllus
1. pink or pinkish