
cardinal [ˈkɑ:dɪnl]  [ˈkɑ:rdɪnl] 


cardinal 基本解释


名词红衣主教; 基数; 大红色,深红色; 女式斗篷

形容词基本的,最重要的; 大红色的,深红色的

cardinal 网络解释


1. 基数:有些读者可能已经从一些统计方面的书籍中知道了名词(nominal)、序数(ordinal)和基数(cardinal)序列之间的差别. 一组政党或者赛跑者的列表是一个典型的名词序列. 赛跑者在公路赛跑中的名次则是一个序数序列. 而整数则是基数序列的一个例子.

2. 红衣主教:并在离体培养过程中对试管苗的生根、移栽基质及影响试管苗移栽成......该文通过对粉团蔷薇和多花蔷薇无刺品系No.3、No.4为砧木,切花月季'红衣主教(Cardinal)'为接穗的嫁接植株生长量、内源玉米素核苷(ZR)和脱落酸(ABA)含量,

3. 基数的:它们的特点则与以上三点相对:1)它们都有关于信用风险大小的明确的定义,可以认为上面三种模型对风险的定义是类VaR(Value-at-risk)思想的,它们可以给出在一定定义框架下信用风险绝对大小的度量,所以可称它们是基数的(cardinal).

4. 枢机主教:主教教区称diocese,总主教教区称archdiocese,至于枢机主教(cardinal)本身并无教区,亦无座堂,除非亦兼任总主教或主教. 教宗之教区则为全世界(拉丁文为orbis),惟教宗亦兼罗马主教(Bishop of Rome),故教宗耶诞节文告对象为Urbis et Orbis.

cardinal 词典解释

1. (天主教的)红衣主教,枢机主教
    A cardinal is a high-ranking priest in the Catholic church.

    e.g. In 1448, Nicholas was appointed a cardinal...
    e.g. They were encouraged by a promise from Cardinal Winning.

2. 最重要的;最主要的;基本的
    A cardinal rule or quality is the one that is considered to be the most important.

    e.g. As a salesman, your cardinal rule is to do everything you can to satisfy a customer...
    e.g. Harmony, balance and order are cardinal virtues to the French.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 主红雀
    A cardinal is a common North American bird. The male has bright red feathers.

cardinal 单语例句

1. cardinal的意思

1. American Cardinal James Stafford would preside at the ceremony on the Pope's behalf, the Vatican said.

2. They seem to have forsaken their cardinal responsibility as scientists who should place the general good of society above their mere research interests.

3. He struck out four and walked two before the Cardinal bullpen gave up five runs in the final two innings.

4. The cardinal position accorded to Songshan is also reflected in the firmly entrenched reputation of Shaolin Temple being the origin of martial arts.

5. Cardinal Thomas Winning collapsed in his bedroom at 0900 after suffering his second heart attack in 10 days.

6. He was found by a court of law to have committed the cardinal sin for a writer - plagiarism.

7. There also is a proven link between excessive use of edible oil and obesity and cardinal diseases.

8. For a rural couple, failure to produce issue still constitutes the cardinal filial sin.

9. cardinal

9. Cardinal Chief Executive Officer George Barrett said acquisitions will continue to help the company get bigger in China's booming drug distribution market.

10. Cardinal Joseph Zen has come under fire after his admission on Wednesday that he provided financial support to the " underground church " on the mainland.

cardinal 英英释义


1. crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male

    Synonym: cardinal grosbeak Richmondena Cardinalis Cardinalis cardinalis redbird

2. a variable color averaging a vivid red

    Synonym: carmine

3. (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes

4. the number of elements in a mathematical set
    denotes a quantity but not the order

    Synonym: cardinal number


1. serving as an essential component

    e.g. a cardinal rule
           the central cause of the problem
           an example that was fundamental to the argument
           computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure

    Synonym: central fundamental key primal

2. cardinal什么意思

2. being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order

    e.g. cardinal numbers
