
carcinogen [kɑ:ˈsɪnədʒən]  [kɑ:rˈsɪnədʒən] 


carcinogen 基本解释


carcinogen 网络解释


1. 致癌物质:)越是烤点焦,形成这种致癌物质越多,用煤碳烤的肉,形成致癌物质(Carcinogen)更多. 耆那教(Zina)是比佛教更古老的宗教,在佛陀时代,就早已有耆那教,并且老早已经主张慈悲戒杀和不吃任何动物. 耆那教的教义有很多很相似于佛教,

2. 致癌因子:在另一个系列的实验中,他们把致癌因子(carcinogen)「种」到尾巴的根部;於是原发性肿瘤开始形成,而转移则在身体的其他部分到处出现. 此时,若把尾巴切除而不碰触及原发性肿瘤时,这个恶性肿瘤便随著尾巴的再生而消失. 经过细胞组织的分析后,

3. 致癌原:这显示病人基因中应含有对致癌原 (carcinogen) 敏感的因子, 而在年轻肺癌病患 (小于 50 岁) 族群中部份符合孟得尔遗传律. 研究显示吸烟导致 P4501A1 基因的过度表现与肺癌形成有密切关系.

carcinogen 词典解释

1. 致癌物
    A carcinogen is a substance which can cause cancer.

carcinogen 单语例句

1. Chromium is a carcinogen used in a variety of industrial manufacturing processes.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The prefabricated housing donated by authorities on the mainland was held up initially, after questions were raised about whether the units contained high levels of the carcinogen formaldehyde.


3. The department has called on locals to temporarily stop eating mandarin fish, even though the carcinogen only appears to be present in small amounts.

4. The malpractice is a potential health hazard for customers because industrial lubricant contains carcinogen, a substance linked with causing cancer.

5. Sudan 1 is classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and is banned under European Union regulations.

6. The agency is reviewing the chemical after the National Institutes of Health, deemed it a " probable carcinogen " in 2008.

7. The institute's Web site states that formaldehyde is classified as a " probable human carcinogen " by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

8. carcinogen的意思

8. It has sealed 48 cans of the product after South Korean media reports the powder contained the carcinogen asbestos during inspections on Sunday.

9. Gaskets and exhaust systems installed in the vehicles contained small amounts of asbestos, a carcinogen banned from those auto markets.

10. The move is in response to South Korean media's earlier report that the German brand contained the carcinogen asbestos.

carcinogen 英英释义



1. carcinogen是什么意思

1. any substance that produces cancer
